Farmers in Scotland see wild boar pulling apart and eating sheep

Wild boar - delicious when roasted in the oven or spit-roasted over a wood fire. Even when the meat is minced up and fried, it makes a wonderful ragu sauce.

I loath wild boar. Horrible stuff in my opinion. Iā€™m not over fond of pork at the best of times but wild boar (even with chocolate sauce) - nah.

What the heck kind of cuisine is that??

We are both entitled to our opinions Todger. I actively sought out wild boar on menus when we lived in Italy. In fact, one of the trattorias we frequented was called ā€œIl Cinghialeā€ (It. for wild boar).

Itā€™s quite a common accompaniment with wild boar. Sometimes the 'orrible meat is cooked in it. I had it a couple of times in posh nosheries in Belgium. Check out ā€œCinghiale in Dolce Forteā€ as an example, one of many.

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I just looked that up, and it does sound delicious! Chocolate just isnā€™t something I associate with savoury dishes, to be honest. I need to expand my tastes (not with boar thoughā€¦nice piggy!)

Why would I want to see that, LD?

This popped up in my news feed, apparently because of the rains feral pigs are breeding in record numbers.

My memory has just been jogged!
I munched on a wild boar pie during a visit to Borough Market a few years ago. It was really quite flavoursome, a vast improvement on the average pork pie from the supermarket.

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just watched a rick stein mediterranean trip on which he spotted boar and potato stew being prepared with accompanying delicate herbs of course