I just opened a new bottle of “Fairy Classic” washing up liquid and the stench almost blew my head off. It smells like someone vomited up a tin of fruit cocktail.
Then I noticed… “New improved scent” tag on the front. It’s disgusting!
Please someone tell me what I can purchase that smells like the old Fairy, or at least doesn’t smell of rotting fruit.
Luckily, I get my washing up liquid from a discount store, which tends to stock end-of-lines, exports/imports and other items which have “fallen off a lorry”, so I don’t think I’ll be enjoying the “new, improved scent” just yet …
Fairy Pure & Clean washing up liquid offers you the original cleaning power of Fairy for your dishes but does not include any perfumes or dyes. The formula is dermatologically approved by Skin Health Alliance.
Well we never buy Fairy here because Mr B says it’s nothing like as good as it was back in the day; what little lather it manages seems to disappear after washing 2 or 3 items. The one he likes best (he does most of the washing up!) is Aldi’s Magnum.
I do agree, Azz, about adding all these scents and perfumes to washing up liquid, though I honestly have never noticed any lingering smell on dishes etc.
Talking of scents, and a slight deviation if I may, I buy Faith in Nature toiletries as they don’t contains SLSs or parabens. In shampoo, conditioner and body wash they do coconut, orange and grapefruit (divine!!!), lavender and geranium, aloe vera, and aloe vera and tea tree. The one to avoid is the tea tree, as it leaves a disgusting smell on your hands after washing. So I’ve put it on the top shelf of the cabinet. Not sure what to do with it.
I’ve not bought Fairy for ages, since discovering Aldi’s Magnum washing up liquid.
Apparently Which rated it as being better than Fairy & it’s highly regarded elsewhere too.
I haven’t bought Fairy washing up liquid for years. Late OH stock piled so much that I am still using the old bottles. Having a dish washer I don’t use it a lot any way. Think I have two bottles left now after 5 years, the under the sink cupboard was full of them. He must have bought one a week for months, we had our groceries delivered then.
I shall certainly avoid the new improved version when I need to buy more.
Try Ecover’s washing up liquid Azz. Smells lovely and you can buy it in massive 5 litre refill bottles which last forever. Also far gentler on your hands than the alternatives.
We buy Fairy Liquid “Pomegranate”. It’s a lovely scent while washing up but this disappears when you rinse the crockery and cutlery under cold water afterwards.
Small update… I emailed customer support and they said I can take it back to a store for a refund whenever I am in next. I know it’s only a few quid but I want the feedback to reach Fairy!! Hopefully if enough people take them back they will bring back the old formula
The product seem to have a slight “clean” odour but barely noticeable. Sud creation and longevity is excellent (I live in a soft-water area). No complaints.
I buy pretty much everything unscented including dish soap, laundry detergent and hand soap. I also use a lot of dr. bronner (concentrated castile soap) for washing stuff. I get the unscented version.