Dogs - sheesh!

Only training classes I have ever attended we were asked to not come back because our late Duncan was a lost cause. Wouldn’t bother again TBH mine may not be best trained in the world or even that obedient but they are friendly and trained enough to bring a lot of fun and naughtiness to our lives. Never allow them to be a problem to other people is all I think is really necessary.

As soon as I got Floyd he went to puppy classes, yet he still has a go at certain dogs he dislikes! He’s used to children and is always friendly but, I still wouldn’t trust him alone with a child. We had a lovely collie x labrador, who was really soft but she bit my daughter’s friend, the kid was twisting her ear around! You never know what kids will do, or grown ups either!

I’m never too sure about puppy classes from what I saw when we visited one when we got Betty earlier this year they don’t exactly teach bite inhibition or how to play nicely, it was rough and tumble from the word go and having a teeny chi pup we didn’t want to risk her getting trampled under foot and scared by the bigger pups. So never went again.

That was my impression too Julie. Many years ago, I had a German Shepherd and when he was about 2 months old, I took him along to a puppy party to help him learn to socialise with other dogs and be friendly. He was pounced on, nipped and bitten, pinned down by the other puppies and the woman running the party thought it was all amusing with my puppy squealing and cryng. After waiting for the owners of the other puppies to put a stop to their puppies excessive ‘play’ - and they didn’t, I ferreted the lot off him, told the puppies off and went home never to return!

Learning to play is one thing but to allow that to continue was, for me, encouraging pack mentality on the softest animal within reach.

Glad it wasn’t just me then :wink:

No, I’m sure it isn’t just the two of us either :wink:

5 women in the park between them had 16 dogs,all off leads, no fighting or trouble some dogs played with others but ignored others, some stayed on their own, any new puppies were encouraged to join in, we didn’t call it socialising then, it just taught the new puppies their place in the pack and ensured they didn’t run off,cos they always stayed with the pack.
The only problem we did have was there is a small garden centre run by and for the mentally handicapped and none of the dogs would go near the teenagers, even when we gave the kids treats to offer the dogs, they wouldn’t go near.

One of the owners was fined £3 by the local football team after her dog pinched their football.

Well Ladies, I’m sorry to hear about your time at Puppy Class. But all I can assume is …it’s either not a KC Registered Place where rules and regulations apply or it was something set up as a playtime. None of our Trainers would ever tell someone not to come back, we run 8 classes on a Wednesday, all the Trainers are highly qualified and train you and your dog properly to pass the Bronze, Silver then Gold Good Citizen Exams as laid down by the Kennel Club. We have dogs that also train for the Obedience Shows and a few have gone on to compete at Crufts in the past.

It wasn’t just one place Duncan was too damaged was the opinion of the three trainers we saw, we also brought in a behaviourist recommended by the vet, she said very little could be done with him too.

So we had a hang on to the lead approach to walks in areas we wouldn’t see other dogs and a crate I could carry him off the communal area so he couldn’t bite any of the neighbours in the hallways etc.

Lovely dog in doors at home, just freaked out when he was outside.

The puppy classes we went to were very good, no fighting, biting etc, allowed. Everything we learned stood us in good stead, no pulling, chewing things, food manners etc. It was only a little class in a hall, but, the woman certainly knew what she was about. If you find a good one, they’re invaluable. the only bad thing our dog has done is chew up one doll, taken a dislike to a couple of local dogs and barked at cats, which was cured with a clicker. I suppose we were lucky! I can recommend a Shi-tzu X yorkie (never can spell that word) to anyone wanting a good pet.

No you can recommend your dog not the entire breed especially a cross bred breed.

Within each breed there can be huge differences of character and mix that up with another breed then add the experience that particular dog gets and you have a unique creature.

BIB: the class I took my German Shepherd puppy to was run by, and held at, the local vets - the vetinary nurse running it was qualified and she was still useless - I had further experience of her at dog training with my Dalmations: the male was fine, very friendly but his sister could be very aggressive and non-responsive and the female showed severe aggression to the dog owned by the woman standing next to us several times - eventually, I told my dog off and told her to be quiet and behave. Given all the growling, snarling and pulling my dog had done in trying to get to this other dog, the first input from this stupid woman running the class was to shout, at the top of her voice, at me for telling my dog off - had she taught me how to deal with it to begin with or stepped in and showed everyone how to deal with a dog displaying aggression (and she knew why I was there with that particular dog) then the incident wouldn’t have happened.

I have seen her out and about with her own dogs and, to be fair, she can’t control those either.

Ours was recommended by the vet practice run by an ex nurse, she was and still is running the group the one thing all the dogs coming from that group display is very rough play with all dogs, they don’t care if the other dogs like it, if they are elderly or infirm they just go hell for leather with teeth and rolling on them etc. No inhibitions at all.

Their owners think they are wonderfully friendly dogs but the rest of us think they are a nuisance and are fed up of our dogs being hurt by them. I don’t much care if it’s just playing if it hurts my old girl I get very angry.

Rapidly losing faith in people who own dogs. Again kinda threatened by a monster of a dog on the same run. Pretty sure it was the same owner that had 2 Rottweilers and a monster thing that I mentioned previously. This time around there were 2 owners but one had an Alsatian which was on a lead, whereas the other had this ‘thing’ which was huge and off the lead. The ‘thing’ tensed up as myself and another runner approached and I became very uneasy. To be honest I have gone way passed being understanding of people with such beasts now and ready to lay the law down physically if I have to. Told this woman - yes a woman - with a dog as big as her to put the bloody thing on a lead. Her reply? ‘It is only a pup’. I have had enough and will be writing to the local press about it.

I think if you are running the safest thing to do is slow down many dogs get agitated by quick movements. I always have to reassure Mollie all is OK after people run past us and she is as daft and soft as they come but she gets a fright.

We have to share these open spaces and a bit of care from everyone can make it an enjoyable experience, runners slow down and walk past dogs, give dog owners a chance to get their dogs on a lead before you dash past. Cyclist just let us know you are coming because you are often silent and can be deadly at the speeds you move.

I think runners can be very inconsiderate - it’s as if nothing is allowed to affect their momentum. Even a dog on a lead can become defensive about someone running towards them.

I think it’s probably about time that areas were designated for walkers only - no cyclists, no horses and no runners/joggers; just a nice slow pace for those enjoying their walk.

lol!! I have a Goldendoodle… a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Standard Poodle… She is 70 pounds… (don’t know about Stones) She’s a doll…

Izzy says Hi…

Here in the States we have a terrible problem with dogs being bred to fight… Particularly the Staffordshire Terriers… AKA Pit Bulls. It’s a horrible abuse… These thugs actually steal peoples pet dog to use a Bait Dogs to train the Pits to fight… There’s a constant search for these fighting rings and rescue of the dogs. I would never leave my dogs alone out of my sight for a minute for fear of them being taken.

Real beauty you have there Audrey !

lovely dog.