Ah - but - It is a well recorded historical fact that the french had no idea how to cook anything until their King Henry II had the good sense to marry Catherine di Medici. She was so appalled by their food that she home for a gang of Italian chefs to teach them!
Great quote love it
Not red wine but when I BBQ a steak I always pour a bit of beer onto it to improve the flavour. It is impossible to BBQ without a beer in one’s hand.
I often add red wine to my stir-fries etc.
"Red red wine
Stay close to me…" (UB40 song)
I often put red wine in slow cooked casseroles as it improves the taste, but I wouldn’t put really good wine in as so many other things go in that I am not sure it would enhance it … anyway I save the good stuff for drinking with the meal.
I agree . I used to cook with red wine a lot, a family favourite was beef/mushroom/red wine pie .
I never bought ‘cheap wine’ for the purpose of cooking but used some out of bottle opened to drink. The main reason is I try to use the best ingredients I can , I don’t see the point in putting a lot of time and love into cooking something to have it spoilt by inferior ingredients.
I don’t anymore because I no longer drink wine and wouldn’t dare have it in the house to cook because I would be tempted to drink it .
Thanks for the replies everyone - in the past I have found the wine actually does make a difference… but I have ordered a cheap bottle which should arrive tomorrow so I shall let you all know
Aw that’s a shame Meg, I love a bit of red wine
Azz you will have to stop drinking red wine for a while, because most of us are still learning on this forum & if we ask a question when you are intoxicated, heaven knows how we will interpret your reply!
We always have a small bottle of balsamic vinegar at home … a few drop gives a nice boost to casseroles, after they are cooked.
Good job you didn’t ask me any last night then Diane
I actually haven’t had any for a while but after posting this thread thought I would with my evening meal - I only had half a glass and I was tipsy (I’m a cheap date
Cabernet Sauvignon is a nice red wine to add to a full bodied casserole. If you are cooking with white wine then you have to choose a good quality dry variety. Otherwise it will permeate through the dish. You can’t go halves on white. Red is definitely more versatile. Cheers!
I forgot to answer you earlier ST, but no I don’t - I only cook with red wine as that’s all I drink alcohol wise Plus I don’t think the studies show white wine is as good for you - at least from what I’ve read anyway.
Oooooo Annie, Cabernet Sauvignon is my absolute fave! In fact I think we need a “What is your favourite red wine” thread Do you want to do the honours of starting it?
Well I could just do an adoration of Malbec thread Azz !
Love Malbec wine Cheers!
Yes I do sometimes cook with red wine when the recipe calls for it and some when it doesn’t.
I always go by the saying from the famous chef Keith Floyd “if its not good enough to drink its not good enough to cook with”
Yes, us too. Or a Merlot.
Yes! And yes, I do notice the difference in taste if cheap wine is used.
I have to agree with everyone who has said it does make a difference - I bought a cheap bottle when I posted this thread and now having got through all of it, I won’t be buying it again. I’d rather spend an extra couple of quid because I think it makes a noticeable different
After testing with various wines now, I have found this one makes the best gravy:
Just adding a link here in case anyone fancies giving it a go
(I usually buy it when it’s on offer)
Yes, I’ve said earlier that personally I wouldn’t use any wine in cooking that I wouldn’t be happy drinking and you’ve discovered like I did that it really does make a difference.
I made a ragu yesterday for with pasta & meatballs and used this if you’re interested, though as I’ve said before I do use Merlot’s quite a bit for cooking with and especially in pasta-based dishes.