Do you step in when you see wrong doing?

I went to the city one time and as I entered a busy mall I was accosted by the sound of a drunk man shouting at the top of his voice.
He was standing in front of a young girl busking with a violin. The girl was crying.
I noticed many people sitting around aware of what was going on but doing nothing.
I immediately walked up to the drunk and said, “Come along mate, I’ll buy you a beer around the corner.”
He happily agreed and I took him to the pub, bought him a beer and left him there.
I went back to the mall where the busker was playing and made a little speech to the people sitting around.
“I can’t believe what just happened here. All of you allowed this young girl to be abused and you done nothing to help her. You should be ashamed of yourselves”
No one said anything in reply and I walked off.
Would you do something similar to help someone?


I have in the past, but not sure I would do so now. I think the most frightening time was when I was in a shopping centre and I saw a man carrying a small girl who was crying and shouting she wanted her Mummy. I stood in front of him and asked the girl if she knew the man - she said it was her Daddy. I explained to him that with stories of children being abducted from shopping centres I felt I had to check. As in Bretrick’s case, no-one else did anything!


Yes , I stepped upto a woman ill treating a dog , I knew I couldn’t put a finger on her or I would be in the wrong so , I stood really close to her repeating over and over again to leave the dog alone, I had tears rolling down my face when she eventually looked up and saw my distress, she then said maybe I went too far ,I said yes you did . , it was in an isolated place so had no means to report her .
I just hope that dog was never ill-treated again .I think of all the animals that dont have a voice ,and know I would have to be their voice if I saw something bad happen …


It amazes me that people “don’t want to get involved”
They would rather a young girl be verbally abused, they would rather an animal be abused than stand up and say “no more”


Not Any longer. Back story in teens.
A dust up going on between GI,s waiting repatriation after ww2. & Teddy Boys.
One policeman trying to stop, knocked to the ground.
With a pal returning from boxing training, piled in to cover the decked officer.
Fast forward. Cavalry of Military & Local police arrive.
We with the Teds Arrested. Court appearance next day.
The decked officer off sick, not attending to give evidence. All find £5!!
In the local rag. Father not well pleased.
Almost 10yrs later.
Being interviewed for promotion. Case synopsis Read out. Which took some explaining!!


Long story, but my mom and I stole a dog that was being terribly abused (we actually stole her on a night of subfreezing temperatures and a wickedly cold wind chill). My dad went over later and told the “owners” what we had done and that it would be in their best interest to never own an animal again. We gave the pup to a retired school teacher who loved that dog to her last day.

On a flight loaded with families heading to DisneyWorld, I once leaned in to tell a twenty-something, whose conversational style was to insert an expletive every other word, that I would be more than glad to parent him if he couldn’t act like an adult.

I have the patience of a saint until it comes to the mistreatment of children and animals.


You were promoted the moment you shielded that officer. :+1:




Absolutely but I’m not quite that patient. :grinning:


Jezzzzzzz. The plethora of TV Charity adverts we get theses day’s, Spoils my day. :anger:
Wild Bears permanently encaged. Elephants slaughtered for Ivory. To suit Asian medication.
Children & Females. Sexually and Mentally Abused. By Local Government indifference & Religious practice.
Where on earth can someone appalled. Start? Sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Assured that contribution. ‘Actually’, purposely reaches & enhances the victims.


I certainly do Bretrick,i think it`s the right thing to do tbh…
I notice these days people would rather film it,pathetic to say the least.


I certainly do step in, cannot help myself. However, there are ways to deflect the offender if you are quick thinking.
On the other hand, pure meanness to a person or animal makes me take a deep breath and a deliberate firm approach.

Note: I haven’t been knocked on my …backside or slapped for doing the right thing…yet. Perhaps the red hair makes the offender think twice. We are known for quick tempers. And, I don’t back down. Never did.


Spot On Ginger. :grin: >> Once upon a time. >>

:rofl: All the way 2 >> The Grey Ghost of the China Coast


Grey or red…it’s what’s on the head…
I’d recognize you anywhere, anytime. You cute thing, you!

PS- I’m in good company then. :wink: