We had this, it was a sort of precursor to Lego
You had to push in little metal bars into the base then slot the bricks, windows, doors etc in
Like most of our toys it came from the jumble sale and some of the bits were missing so there wasn’t quite enough to build a whole house, but we used to improvise with other stuff
These were my favourite construction kits. You were supplied with two heads and sets of hands.
I’d use the glow in the dark option charged up with a torch before bedtime… spooky!
These kits were available in some branches of Woolies but a bit pricey as I remember.
I’m jealous! lol
I had a golly.
Yes, most of them. But my favourite was the huge rocking horse with the bow rocker, I spent many a happy afternoon daydreaming on Hero’s back. I was lucky that my sisters were girlie girls and loved to play with dolls, soooo I had Hero mostly to myself. I wish I still had him he would stand in square in the hall and get a nose rub when I passed him lol.
I had the basic bayko kit that built a house and no matter how many times i said I would like another kit for christmas or birthday i never got anymore
It was amazing but quite dangerous when I think back …… I was only 6 or 7! Gran and mum got it in a jumble sale and dad got me some parafin tablets from the hardware store, wonder I didn’t set the house alight
Having said that I had one of these for a Christmas present, I’m almost sure it was 1969.
Note the little meths burner top right…I very nearly set fire to myself. I was told that I was not to use the chemistry set without supervision… did I listen?
Oh! Did it really work as it get hot?
I know I wanted the easy bake over for making little cakes but it was a no go. I did however get a battery run dish washer as a gift from my father’s company Christmas party which was super cool. Our cats are chewed up the plates though. Lol😂
I definitely remember my toys from my childhood. The ones I remember the most are my stretch monster and Jaws toy.
Also strange board games:
North Sea Oil
Go (not the japanese game but a travel game)
Escape from Colditz
The London Underground Game
Creative hours making artwork with Spirograph.
My hotwheels came in a round plastic container with 24 compartments containing a hotwheelscar.
I have never been able to find an image of the one that I had back in the 70s.
I loved Lego and Marbles.
And Pakistan cricket .
Did your Golly have a name?
Good memories there.
Ah, marbles. Forgot all about those. School lunch times were Marbles times.
Us girls often played Jack’s at playtime. I used to enjoy that… Cos I was good at it lol.
We made some stuff ourselves,bogeys(go carts) from old pram wheels,bow and arrows,catapults,etc…
Another pastime I had forgotten. “Billycarts” were a large part of my childhood.
We would go down the “Sandhill” road which was at least 60 degrees. Incredible speeds, risking our life every time because there was a cross road down the bottom.
Silly things children do.
Spirograph was a cool creative toy. It entertained me for hours. The hot wheels were my brothers but I used them often. They had a big racing track in the basement. That was a lot of fun too.