Do you read high fantasy?

My preference is to use google play books on my tablet ….it has nice lighting where the background page is black. I read usually 2-3 books simultaneously ….but the key thing to mix up the genres, that way I can switch into a completely different mode. I usually mix 1 fantasy, a murder mystery and I may also throw in another fantasy if it is vastly different.

What do you think of Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne? The answers to this question may vary depending on how far you are with these characters.

I like nothing more than to lose myself in a fantasy sequence, preferably at least four doorsteps and a plot, a single story split solely for the requirements of publishing, that assumes post-adolescence and a functioning mind.
I am currently reading the Well of Echoes series by Ian Irvine. I am coming at this a bit arse-about-face, it is the sequel to his View From The Mirror series which I found impossible to get into but the sequel is very enjoyable. Whether it was me or the author taking time to get into his stride, I am not sure. When I have finished this lot I will return to the earlier story and see how it goes.
Other series I can recommend include…
A couple by Tad Williams, Memory, Sorrow and Thorn and Otherworld. The latter is more science fiction but written according to the rules of epic fantasy. Both are very long indeed and both have one slight flaw - the journey to the end is more entertaining than the end itself but such is the length, that hardly matters.
All the Elderling series by Robin Hobb are astoundingly brilliant - a twelve novel series that never drags but I would avoid her Soldier Son trilogy which I really did not like.

I loved the Dresden Files, I have some on Audio Book and the first season on DVD from when it was on the TV. Was sick when they decided to drop the show.

Yeah. Huge sci fi/fantasy/horror/dark humour fan.