Do You Put Milk Into Your Scrambled Eggs?

You are welcome ST. Yes the flour does make them firmer. But I only use a little. I use more for eggs to go in fried rice.

The Jamie Oliver video is more or less how I make omelettes in a frying pan Annie and I also would never use milk, flour or water in omelettes.

I do always use milk in scrambled eggs and usually do them in the microwave - like this, but with a bit of added butter to make them “silky”

I know Art! I cringe when I see anyone on films or dramas etc saying to others ‘‘Set the table for dinner please’’ and that person takes the plates from a kitchen cupboard and lays them out around the table! OMG, the food must be almost cold before they have even finished serving the vegetables!! Also, it amazes me how cold meals must also get when in addition to the above, they then start talking for 10 minutes or so after the meal is already on their plates!!
Yuk! cold plates and cold food.
I would be too tempted to boil the kettle on the quiet, put my plate into the kitchen sink and pour boiling water over it first before drying it and putting it back on the table. :mrgreen:

Some cookers used to have plate racks over the hob … :103:

That looks like something from the 1950s, Omah.

What a fantastic idea.

I did learn from watching that you should stir the eggs to make them cook better. I have always just poured and waited. I have successfully tried egg in a cup in the microwave and poached eggs. So may try scrambling toi!

Warm plates are essential I reckon when having a meal. Nothing worse than a cold plate as that soon means cold food. Most folk have a microwave so one-and-a-half minutes in there and you have a warm plate on which to dish up the meal. :slight_smile:

Obviously first ensure the plate will withstand a microwave, mine are Pyrex so are usually almost indestructible, well almost as a tiled kitchen floor when Pyrex plates are dropped is fatal. That’s why I only have two remaining Pyrex dinner plates! :wink: :frowning: :slight_smile:

Indeed … :smiley:

Not really … it was highly dangerous, as were those eye-level grills … :103:

There were far too many incidents of singed eyebrows, burned arms and scalded groins … :107:

Scalded groins? Yikes!

I never cook eggs in the microwave. I add a splash of milk, knob of butter, salt n pepper to two eggs that I’m going to scramble.

I prefer an eye level grill to a waist one, I can see at a glance what’s going on.

Me too Roxy, Most households had eye-level cooker grills in the 50’s/early 60’s. I would love to have one on my cooker. Mine is above the Fan Oven and when I am grilling things I cannot see a thing - lethal when I forget to check. And… I’m always having to bend down to grill things. Oooer!
With the old models, you could stand there and have a cuppa and continue watching what was grilling or toasting, especially toast! and that plate warming section above the grill was brilliant.

Not so bothered now with just the two of us, but if there was a modern version with eye-level grill plus attached plate warming section, I would be sorely tempted to get one.

I can’t get poached eggs right in a microwave Annie. Some years ago I bought a four egg egg poacher and I do my poached eggs on the hob top. You have probably seen them.

We used to have one when I was a child. I don’t see what’s wrong with them but I guess that people don’t like the aesthetics in this day of minimalist kitchens where you are meant to pretend that you have no appliances and that you never cook! It’s infinitely more practical to have one at eye level so you don’t have to keep bending down to see what’s happening.

I actually learned how to microwave poached eggs on this forum Aerolor. There is still a thread here somewhere! It gives the perfect poached egg every time. You just need to get the water: egg ratio and bowl right. I was very impressed once I’d mastered it. Lovely runny yolks, yum!

LOL, I gave up trying to get poached eggs perfect for breakfast. I ended up buying four of those individual silicone poaching cups where you get the water simmering nicely, rub some butter around the insides of the cups, crack an egg into each and gently lay them into the water ensuring I don’t splash any water into the cups as I do so. Pop the toast into toaster and 4 minutes later, gently using a small spoon, turn out two perfectly shaped poached eggs with soft yolks and set whites ready for breakfast.

Of course, we all know that these are not poached eggs but baked eggs, but as far as HWMO is concerned, they are simply poached eggs on toast as he asked for! :mrgreen:

They sound delicious so would it be possible for me to have the remaining two that you don’t appear to use? I know don’t tell me, your dogs also like poached eggs on toast! :wink: :slight_smile:

Yes, those work a treat don’t they, I use them after my original and very old-fashioned poacher was well past the ‘use by date’ so had to be disposed of. :frowning:

:smiley: No chance I’m afraid Baz, if ever I only fancy one egg after cooking two for myself, HWMO is ready and willing to act like a chick in the nest waiting to be fed with it.

By the way, has anyone ever tried Shirred Eggs? I haven’t as yet but would love to know what they taste like.

Oh well never mind, HWMO is very lucky he’s got it made! I will have to make do with something else for my breakfast then :frowning: . The Shirred Eggs you mention sound rather tasty :slight_smile: , also found a recipe for these with Cheddar cheese: