Do You Have Fun And Naughty Side

In the right company I can be an utter b*****!
To be sure😉

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Scared now!

I don’t have a naughty side I am always good, although I did used to be arrogant but even that is no more, now I’m just perfect… :rofl:


:joy::sweat_smile::open_mouth:…I like you self confidence , Barry, …it shines through,:joy:

I must agree about being perfect ,as am I…:joy::open_mouth::heartpulse:

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Ok. I’m struggling to see how the fun side isn’t the same as the naughty side…:crazy_face:

I’m fun on the outside…you get the naughty if you can get inside me…

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What an offer! Perhaps you should rephrase that!

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Sometimes I just can’t help myself and the naughty side comes out before I can stop it. Gets me in loads of trouble. Big gob.

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Also I’m a bit of a “bear poker”. That’s someone who thinks it’s fun to prod strong, powerful, pompous or self-important people to get a reaction. Then run like hell before the bear gets you.

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Gosh…you may have a point now I have read thru it again :thinking::laughing::hushed:


Oh Maree!..and I was just starting to like you!..:joy::sweat_smile::open_mouth:

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Definitely both, but I like to be naughty and fun at the same time. Cause you enjoy it more :slight_smile:


I’m leaving this thread now as it’s getting far to naughty…:fire::fire::joy::open_mouth:

Just thrown a bucket of water over you Barry, to cool you down, don’t over do it now with the Laughter,:joy::rofl::open_mouth::fire::cold_face:


Haha…Luke an icebucket challenge? Could have raised some money for charity lol


Of course I don’t have a norty side

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Oh Yes, :eyes: and it’s gotten me into a good bit of hot water over the years, especially with my mother. But as I always told her, she is “too correct” and I’m not. :crazy_face:

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