Do you have a great Chocolate Sauce recipe?

A little while back I discovered one. I bought a 200 gram Snack Chocolate, broke it into separate cubes, put all cubes into plastic cup. Ate a couple squares, then forgot about it. Temperature was about 95. The Chocolate had all melted into Sauce with 1/2 a dozen Flavours all mingled together.
Went great poured over Heated Chocolate Muffin with Whipped Cream and Vanilla ice Cream

To make Chocolate Sauce from scratch
1/4 cup Cocoa Powder
1/4 cup Caster Sugar
3.4 oz water - 100ml
2 teaspoons unsalted Butter

Combine Cocoa, Sugar and water in small saucepan.
Bring it to a boil over medium-high heat, whisking constantly to dissolve the sugar and cocoa powder.
Remove the pot from heat and stir in the butter. Let the sauce cool before transferring it to a serving container.
The sauce will thicken slightly when cooled.

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I’ve never done it but I imagine chocolate sauce is made from single cream and grated chocolate. :neutral_face:

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