Do you forget how old you are?

My BH is always saying age is just a number.
It’s not of course,it’s a word.


In fact, I used to when I was still in my forties and fifties but since I turned 60 and even more since my retirement I’ve been constantly reminded of my age both by my body and even more so by others who are mostly younger. A most recent example was when I joined a newly-opened health club on Sunday morning (opening after four years due to Corona). The trainer looked at me with suspicion if I might be capable of mastering the fully smartphone-operated registration, entry, and virtual training programmes with video surveillance since there’s no living person around to turn to, just screens, QR-codes, and the odd phone number. I am capable but the suspicion was obvious.


Never forget it, just ignore it.


Oh I always feel surprised when I think of my age…the correlation between my body and mind widens every day - I do wish there was a way to match them up :grin: I agree though, everyone seems very young and actively minded on here…


As the great RJ posted, old age is not for big babies

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Yes. Then I catch sight of myself in the mirror or my wifeling reminds me. :grinning:


i used to have old age, now its just old

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Are you bothered about being ageist?

add it to the list

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I don’t see age as a problem, I have been 34 years old for decades. (it used to be 25 but I saw doubt creep into some people’s faces)


The answer to that question is Yes, I do, always! Apart from a couple of times a few months ago when I was battling with hypertension problems. Seems to be stable now, with new meds.
I felt younger when I had my husband with me,though, (lost him suddenly three and a half years ago) we had always been a “young at heart” couple.


I rarely think about my age, but must admit that upon reading an article in my newspaper which stated that at age 70 a person is officially classed as ‘elderly’ I was surprised - to me elderly is much older than my 77 years! I refuse to be classed as elderly until such a time as I think I am … :roll_eyes:


Reminds me of something I read “In my mind I am still 29, my sense of humour suggests I am 12 and my body keeps asking if I am sure I’m not dead yet!” Have to say that sums me up!


Haha! that’s funny, Sheila…so appropriate for us all I think :smile:


Yes, I try to keep active every day, walking about in town, walking the dog. Then, I’m fine. But to turn over in bed/get out of it or the sofa/get up off the floor, and yes I feel every bit of it.


Having just turned 80, I must admit it’s a bit of a shock to the system. Especially, when there has been a spate of deaths recently of folks, particularly footballers in their late 70’s and early 80’s. Beginning to creak a little bit, but I’'m just boxing on! :boxing_glove: :boxing_glove: :boxing_glove:


No i never forget how old i am,just happy i am still here.


I consider myself fortunate I’m still here, the result of an incident years ago (long story)

The subject of my age is something of constant amusement to my wife and never misses an opportunity to poke fun at me with it, especially as my birthday is not too far away.


Things start failing with old age such as eye sight- muscle strength- less need for large meals- hearing - balance etc.

What does improve is being shouted at louder- made to do things- being woken at so uneathly hour- told one must walk more.

what one can get away with is mis hearing- pretending to be asleep- not going on the weekly shop- wearing old comfortable clothes

Oh the joys of old age youngsters don’t have a clue about :smirk:


We are all the same age, just at different times, Azz.

The only reminder is that the used car I am walking around in seems to need more maintenance, and I don’t quite look like the new sports car I once did (though I was always more like a station wagon :rofl:). The good news is that this seems to be a reliable model and I can now go where I want when I want, which is not a bad thing at all. :smiley:

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