Do we need to accept being poorer?

Isaac Newton moments?

Partly, it seems.

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Foxy you are so down on young people .

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Not true Muddy, Iā€™m down on the system that government created.

I think I must be 80% Slug, still, thatā€™s better than being 80% Banana. :laughing:

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which government?

The fruit would become contaminated from exhaust emissions.


when i asked a councillor that same question about fifty years ago [they had just made our street pedestrian traffic only and planted a dozen trees] he said if a kid climbed the tree to get the fruit and fell and broke a bone the parents could then sue the councilā€¦ so, i asked what if they climb the councils favourite tree [easiest to grow] the Silver Birch, and fall cant they sue you then?.. but he moved onā€¦

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It should be possible to wash it off or peel fruit. But I was really thinking of residential streets where there is a low level of traffic. Particularly areas where there are grass verges and a bit more space for spread.

the thing is the council dont like obstructions on the grass verges as it would slow down the cutting time therefore cost more to cut the verges, ideally they much prefer concrete

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The other thing you have to be careful with trees is if their roots grow up and make the pavements uneven or dangerous.

They need to be trees whose roots grow downwards naturally, rather than sideways and spreading

Thatā€™s why they plant a lot of Ginko biloba in urban areas. I think fruit trees do have quite spready roots?

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Well it started in the Blair years Annie, but all governments really. None of them have reversed the trend, so we have ended up with a country full of over educated young people, while we allow hundreds of thousands of foreign workers to come in and do the jobs that we are not skilled at anymore. Bearing in mind that the underlying problem with the UK is over populationā€¦

I had to laugh when I read this. Wollongong council (or any council) doesnā€™t mow grass verges householders do, people like me with a corner block have more grass outside their garden than inside. They actually encourage house holders to plant in front of their house.

There are some rules:

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They could plant fruit trees in public parks. There are so many parks that just have nothing but miles of grassland.


Would you prefer that we have an uneducated population and have to import the educated from other countries? Although it does seem we need to do quite a bit of that too.

Yes, that would probably be better, they could create small orchards. Good for the insects and wildlife too :+1:


Most serious pollutants are taken up through the roots, so washing or peeling would be no use at all.

funnily enough my local council has experimented with meadow flowers on deep verges, that way they dont mow them, so check out the local garden centre if they have Aussie meadow flower seeds and just get them scattered and you wont need to mowā€¦ allegedlyā€¦lol

The Parish Council in my village have done exactly that. We now have a small orchard planted at one corner of the playing field - part of the Queenā€™s Canopy. Residents were asked if they would like to sponsor each tree and those who chose to do so planted ā€˜theirā€™ tree and have a small plaque next to it with their name on it. This was done last year and this year the trees are in blossom, a lovely sight to see. Thereā€™s a mixture of different apple and pear varieties, about 25 trees in all.


How lovely, I think thatā€™s a really good idea :+1:

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