Do The British Want Kilometres?

I am old & that is still like Greek to me. :grinning:

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See my reply above to Bruce. :grinning:

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Americans still use it, my pal & I have to work out what the conversion is. When we discuss the weather. :grinning:


When you are shopping do you do what my foreign visitors do when they go to the shops? They just hold out a handful of money and tell the shopkeeper to take what (s)he needs.

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For some reason, I don’t get the same feeling when saying, “Customer Support go the extra kilometre!”


We should adopt paces, after all when there is no coal and oil and no leccy, all we will have is Shanks’s pony. :grin:

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The speed relating to kilometres compared to miles thats confussed me already . :crazy_face:

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Kilometres just sound faster, and make places seem further away. :grin:

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I’m constantly using Google when I’m reading the morning thread because I have to translate the temperature. I’m still not sure if I’m correct all the time because tolerance to temperature varies widely. What some people say is hot here doesn’t seem hot to me. I’m sure the converse is the case also. People probably think that what I think is cold is mild.


Here in Victoria mild in the winter means warm but in the summer means cool.So you could be right.


Only in an over-50s forum would this even be discussed. Everyone else has been educated in the metric system, think and calculate in the metric system and have no notion of most of the old imperial system (I say ‘system’ but imperial is far from systematic). We dropped furlongs, chains, bushels, groats and all the rest years ago. We can drop the rest now too.


You’ve been using it since 1875, you’d have thought you would have got a handle on it by now :wink:


I know all the numbers and conversions. I see the point of cms and kilos, but not kilometres.

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I don’t want kilometres. I have no idea what one is. I deal with feet and inches. Maybe a yard
at least, I know what 50 or 100 yards feels like in distance. I like pounds and ounces as well. Kg’s are ok up to say
12 or so. Then I’m all about stones.

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Pix, me and you Antikilo how about it. :smiley:


And antimetre. :icon_confused:


Oh I forgot about metres! What even is that? googles Oh ok, so a meter is 100 cms, or
1,000 mm’s.

Why? :woman_shrugging:

1ft = 0.3048m

No. No thanks. I know my feet and I’ll stick with them thanks!

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No to the foreign measurements which ever form they take scrap the lot and go back to measurement we were taught at school . We ditched the EU and euros and we can do the same with the metric rubbish. This is what makes us an independent island.

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It would mean you could have a speedo without all the clutter.


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Miles are more sustainable, they use half the letters of Kilometres.

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