Djokovic disqualified from US open

Novak Djokovic has been disqualified from the US open after hitting a line judge in the throat with the ball. Djokovic is known for his bad tempered outbursts and just can’t seem to control them.

But didn’t look like a bad tempered outburst to me.

Serves him right then

On the videos that I’ve seen he does appear to look at the lineswoman before hitting the ball … :102:

Top sports people thing they can do what they like and don’t have to obey the rules. Footballs are renown for it. What I don’t understand is why they are not banished from the sport all together. Nothing like setting an example to stop other copying

The withering look the poor woman gave him, certainly looks as if she was having trouble breathing, she was in shock as that would have been extremely painful.

Nor to me it was just bad luck the ball hit the woman .

The Joker is one of the better ones usually. Apart from his obvious talent, A good sport and a pretty good comic as well. It was totally obvious to me that he was sorry and apologised profusely. A balanced response is required. For the record he needs to be penalised. For not taking greater care where he hits a ball that is not in play. But proportionally. There are behaviours on the court from other players past and present that have been a lot worse and a lot more intentional than that with much less consequence. Of course if the lady needs further medical treatment he should pay every cent. He’s good for it.

It didn’t look intentional to me.

Absolutely. As soon as he’d realised he’d hit her his reaction was immediate. You could see how shocked he was. As he said (I think) the attention should be on the woman. He took full responsibility for it.

It definitely wasn’t deliberate, he turned and hit the ball at the same time before realising the lineswoman was there.

Of course he was wrong and deserved the punishment but he’s not guilty of intentional harm.

Deffo. I saw this on the news. I liked that he immediately went over to the line judge to see if she was OK. That action alone shows how unintentional it was.

If I’m honest, I didn’t think it looked deliberate either but I think he has been judged on his past antics if you know what I mean. It’s not the first time he has slammed the ball out in fact a SKY reporter once questioned him about his outbursts but Djok laughed it off. He also once got so angry that he ripped his own shirt up which was pretty funny to watch. :-p

Just glad it was’nt a male line judge, who might have got hit in the nuts. “New Balls Please!” :cry::cry::cry:

In a high voice of course. :lol:

Deliberate or not - he needs to control his temper tantrums.

He does, he is running out of shirts. :lol: