Dingbats prison

I’m stumped,What we need is a forum member who has been in prison.

its for young offenders

As a youngster I managed to avoid this one …


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  1. open prison
  2. high security
    4 repeat offender
    5 Strangeways
    6 Snout
    7 exercise yard
    8 banged up in the slammer
    9 Screws
    12 Grass someone up
    13 ten year stretch
    14 Solitary confinement
    15 slopping out
    17 life in prison

correct answers still No3 10 & 16 to guess

will try to help
3 word is slang for the answer
10 are all small men

  1. Short term?

not even close … go have a cigarette


it is very hard when we do not know prison slang

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ok do not think anyone can guess the last 3 needed so will give you the answers so we can all have a good nights sleep

3 Jam roll … Parole
10 Little fellas … Cigarette butts
16 Bending up… Restraining

this round is now finished

Thanks.That sort of info might come in handy one day.