Dingbats pics quiz 4

Can you guess the answers from the dingbat clues ?

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A2 Dionne Warwick


B2 Calm before the storm

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A3 Right down the middle

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D3 Mother in Law

(my three)

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B3 Get used to it

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B1 Blank check

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C 3 Lonely up there ?

sorry is wrong buthinking the right way … a bosses without friends

A1 Rank and File

D1. Joined at the hip

C2. Essay question

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A1 surely we all did this at school 1st thing of the day

A1 - File in a straight line

C3 - Lonely at the top

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C 1 easy on the eyes.

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A1 file in straight line … wrong

its a 4 word answer with 2 words in the clue being used

A1 Line up single file??

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A1 Line up single file
A2 Dionne Warwick
A3 Right down the middle
B1 Blank check
B2 Calm before the storm
B3 Get used to it
C 1 easy on the eyes.
C2. Essay question
C3 - Lonely at the top
D1. Joined at the hip
D3 Mother in Law

correct answers just D2 needed

very hard one to guess it is a saying also a Van morrison song
It means "put more emphasis on the things that are good,

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D2 Accentuate the positive

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well done D2 Accentuate to the positive … correct and finishes this round

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