Dingbats pics quiz 3

think house may help

oops i see right now actually guessed it sorry

A1 Cross reference
A2 Detached Retina
A3 - at ease
B1 Objection overruled
B2 - Wise Guy
B3. Beady eyes
C1 Forest fire
C3 High wire
D1. Peyton Place
D2 - I before E except after C
D3 - Tiananmen square

correct answers just No c2 left to guess

it is a hard one to guess so will let you know its an american president from the early 1800’s

do not think anyone able to get the last one needed here so will give you the answer

C2 Aaron Burr

Usa president from 1800 to 1805

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That was a thought provoking quiz for sure!