Dingbats pics quiz 13

B1 Reverse Charges

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C2. A friend in need is a friend indeed

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C1. A piece of cake.

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C3. Two little two late

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B2. Same time every year.

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B2 Same time every year , close enough i have … Same time next year

A2 Boxed in a corner

D1 3 ways/days to Sunday ?

D3 Diamonds are forever

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A3 Dean’s list ?

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A2 Fight your own corner ?

sorry its a little more obscure i know they are all boxers but its more that they not smooth

A2. Rough around the edges?


A1 Two peas in a pod
A2. Rough around the edges
A3 Dean’s list
B1 Reverse Charges
B2 Same time next year
B3 Joining the dots
C1. A piece of cake.
C2. A friend in need is a friend indeed
C3. Two little two late
D2 Star Wars
D3 Diamonds are forever

correct answers just D1 left to guess

D1 Every third day / three days ?

Any chance of a clue please, Feey?

ok will try a clue Gloria sang this song

D1. One day at a time


well done D1 One day at a time … correct

full saying is actually Take one day at a time

Nope, would never have got that.

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