Dingbats pics quiz 11

Can you guess the answers from the dingbat clues ?

B1 wind beneath my wings
B3 Ian Fleming
C3 reverse psychology
D2 very intense

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C1 Peace on earth

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C2 High intensity

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B2 Pardon me

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A1. Cross the Ts and dot the I’s

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D3. Split two ways
D1. Get my back

A3. Clarinet solo

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sorry both wrong d1 little more needed

D3. Two way split.

sorry still wrong elvis did a version of this song

D3 Separate Ways

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A2 The Last of the Mohicans?


A1. Cross the Ts and dot the I’s
A2 The Last of the Mohicans
A3. Clarinet solo
B1 wind beneath my wings
B2 Pardon me
B3 Ian Fleming
C1 Peace on earth
C2 High intensity
C3 reverse psychology
D2 very intense
D3 Separate Ways

11 correct answers just D1 left to guess

D1. Get my back … (was close but just a little more needed)

D1 Get off my back ??

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well done @AliceWonderland D1 Get off my back … Correct

this round is now finished