I was making the comparison between digital currency and having access to your money refused by the bank. Were you aware that a bank had the power to restrict access to your money if you weren’t breaking the law boot?
For how long boot? It is no secret that the establishment want a cash free society.
Yes, if you are referring to the a Bank’s legal obligations under the Proceeds of Crime legislation, to report suspicious financial activity to the National Crime Agency and freeze accounts until the NCA investigate and say they can unfreeze them, then I am aware of it.
I did mention that ‘did you know that they could freeze your account if you weren’t breaking the law boot?’ Were the truckers in Canada breaking the law or just observing their right to peaceful protest?
I thought you were talking about UK Law, as it is UK digital currency that is under consideration.
I am not familiar with the law relating to banking in Canada but I have read that the Canadian government used some old “emergency powers” legislation to enable them to freeze the Bank Accounts relating to the Truckers’ protests.
I’m not aware that UK has legislation which would enable them to do the same thing in a similar situation.
Do you know of any legislation that would give banks in UK the legal power to do the same as Canada did?
We are ‘Global’ now boot and are controlled by the IMF and the WEF. I don’t suppose the Canadian people thought that the establishment had that kind of power. How many people in 2019 thought our government had the power to make you stay at home, wear a mask and be intimidated enough to have an untested vaccine? Restricting access to your savings and how you spend them will happen…Its just a question of when…
Well, I won’t be happy if my overdraft was frozen.
Well, maybe we’d best just get out there and spend it now, before those nasty MPs that the public votes into power start legislating to take it off us!
I like your solution Boot, but the experts in finance say ‘Gold’ is the place to invest yer nest egg…
Hmmm, all the financial experts I know say you need to keep some liquid assets (cash held in immediate access accounts or short notice accounts) plus some medium term investments and some long term investments.
Looking at the fluctuations in your one year graph, I would say when it comes to investing in Gold, timing is crucial. Most financial experts put Gold in the long-term investment category, don’t they? - you could lose money if you need to use the funds when the market price has taken a sudden dip - but over the long term, it’s a good investment - check out the pricing graph over the last 20 years.
That’s okay Boot, but what happens if ATM’s and card machines fail? They have failed in the past, and I believe this will occur more frequently in the future. Digital currency will make this far more likely.
You will be left with nothing to buy food or fuel with. I would strongly recommend keeping a stash of hard cash. I still use cash to pay for most things where I can.
I agree about the long term benefits of gold, but if the value of the pound drops dramatically, gold will always provide a trading medium that keeps its value.
I just hope this digital shite will unite the uk multi stuff economy.
Its been a long time since the residents of this country had any say about what happens here Spitty…If they ever did…
Fox, you know I know that, where the difference is, I focused on the peer section of society who didn’t want a say and, you looked at the higher echelons who, capitalized on this trait, the same destination was always going to be arrived at but, it’s up to the individual philosopher to decide which end to apportion blame to or, decide if it is indeed one and the same.
Control the coinage and the courts — let the rabble have the rest. If you want profits, you must rule.
Just a word on where digital currency is going…
If you only spend on essentials, you have got nothing to be afraid of
But they would be what the government consider to be ‘Essentials’ Spitty…
I know Foxy, I was being facetious to all the folks who, every time our liberties are being curtailed or a new duplicitous law installed say “if you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to be afraid of”.
You don’t need a digital pound to control people’s spending.
People in remote areas on social security have had their income controlled with a cashless debit card. The card couldn’t be used to purchase the following:
- buy tobacco or tobacco products
- buy pornography
- buy alcohol or homebrew kits
- gamble
- buy gift cards and cash-like products
- get cash out.