Crazy Cooking Gadgets

I wouldn’t be without my rice cooker, it does so much more than just cook rice.

I also have an air fryer which is relatively new, fryer is the wrong word it is basically a fan forced mini oven but very useful (I haven’t used my main oven for many, many years)

There is also a steamer but unless there is a lot to steam my rice cooker does that job just fine

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I wouldn’t be without my slow cooker. It is the smallest you can get (try Wilko, Asda) and I always use liners so the pot stays clean. You could always freeze left over portions, as I do. Ingredients in, switch on, and leave it for the day.


I’ll check them out in Asda when I next go there, Jazzi, thanks! :+1:

It’s not really a gadget, but to me it is indispensable. My combination microwave oven serves me well and I could not do without it.

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Or even in Argos. This is the size. Wilko doesn’t do the small size any more, so try Asda. You cal always do click and collect if none on display.

Edited. Asda out of stock. You can also try Robert Dyas or Lakeland (£10 more expensive in the latter) if you have stores near you. Or Amazon. There’s is the same price.


Yep, same here. I cooked my rice, steamed my fresh vegetables and defrosted my pot stickers all in the same pot at the same time. Saved time and dishes.


Mine is one of these.


I have one too (Microwave/Convection/grill), have never used the grill and rarely the convection oven because I prefer the air fryer but it does get used. Definitely wouldn’t be without a microwave either.

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I really want a slow cooker as well. I’ve been reading recipes for small slow cookers for years. I hesitate because I’ve never seen anyone cook in them except on videos, so I feel intimidated.

Gosh, there really is nothing to it! It has a removable crock pot (I had broken mine a short while ago, something fell out of a top cupboard, smashing into it. Hence getting the replacement from Asda.)

There is nothing there to intimidate you, honestly. As I said, I use the liners. I do pork, cider and apple. Beef. And chicken.

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That counts. Just coincidentally, I was watching Top Chef Masters tonight. 4 of the top chefs in the world had the challenge of cooking in a microwave in a dorm room. All of them didn’t know how to work it, but one of them was saved by the defrost function because his meat had gotten frozen by mistake.

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Thanks for this Jazzi! I didn’t realise they were so cheap either!

Thanks for the encouragement! It’s my goal to cook something in a slow cooker some day. It’s a literal goal that I have written down on my goals list from a while back.

Like Jazzi, I use my slow cooker a lot.
I always make large meals in it, so I can have some leftover for the freezer.
In fact, tomorrow I plan on making a big stew!

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Nice! When I get my slow cooker, I know who to go to for advice.

I am a kitchen gadget addict and yes, a lot of them end up forlorn and abandoned in the kitchen cupboard so I’m supposed to be abstaining


I haven’t tried it yet but not only does it make sausage rolls but also McDonalds Apple pies, doughnuts, pies etc

Can’t wait to play with it!

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That sounds so fun! Can’t wait to see what you make with it. :yum:

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I will definitely post my creations

Sausage roll makers have been a big thing in Australia for a while but you couldn’t get them here, but now Aldis have them, so if you want one, get down there before they’re gone!

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If you get one, my advice is definitely buy the liners (easy to get). Just be very careful when spooning out the contents. And also a packet casserole mix from a supermarket. Beef, chicken, pork. And put in the ingredients you like. I just do carrot and onion. There is no hard and fast recipe, as you cook what appeals to your taste buds.

Tip. Don’t remove the lid when cooking as this can lose heat. Leave it for the day to do its thing. Don’t think you have to stay at home watching it with eagle eyes. Go out, do what you would normally do, then add dumplings to the last 15-20 minutes, and cook any other veg to accompany your now delicious meal.

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Had to Google that one, Maree, and - without wishing to rain on your parade - I cannot see the advantage. It only makes 4 at a time - I can cook 12 at a time on a baking sheet in the oven. It will be interesting to see your comments when you have used it - I am always willing to learn. :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat: