How do those figures compare with the figures for influenza?
No idea … AFAIK, they’re entirely different beasts … for example, we don’t get flu outbreaks of 5,000 per day in the summer in the UK.
However, I think what needs to be considered is what effect does contracting Covid have on us collectively.
I believe that deaths and serious illnesses from Covid are far fewer now.
The question is, can we live with these outbreaks of Covid if they have little effect on the majority of people?
This next “wave” will be the telling - with most UK citizens vaccinated, outbreaks may well be localised but will that mean local lockdowns, or will travel, and hence transmission, be permitted?
The elephant in the room is foreign travel - even now, under “controlled” entry restrictions, variants have penetrated the UK - what happens when the floodgates open (average 150,000,000 per year (visitors and returning residents)) … :?:
No-one knows … yet … :shock:
Well we all know who’s responsible for bringing the virus here uninvited, and there’s no sign of any limitations on them.
The virus is here already!
I would like to see more detail by age on the hospital admissions etc. But the following tells me all I need to know :
31 may last year it was 528 admissions, 31 may this year it was 123.
3rd june 21 134 in ventilator beds, 3rd June 2020 602 in ventilator beds.
Now this is before the virus was a widespread as now. Before variants etc.
Deaths 3rd June 2020 : 155. 3rd Jun 21 : 4
That hasn’t got anything to do with the fact that we are still coming out of a lockdown since Christmas and the supermarkets and shops are full of mask wearing customers is it Annie? We have only just started to come out of our hidey holes, and as you know, the figures work in a delayed reaction. Just like they are doing now once we start to return to normal. The winter will test the hospital admissions theory.
Yep Foxy, its difficult to assess where the default is at the moment.
Last years figures?
I have put both years’ figures. They are from the ONS gov website where they update the stats daily in the dashboard if you go go “data” and scroll through.
Having gone out mixing with friends and family for a month now and supermarkets, shops, hairdresser I haven’t found myself in hospital or sick yet.
That’s because hardly anyone has got the virus yet Annie, even at its height back in December you would have to be unlucky to bump into anyone indoors with the virus and it be spread to you. Most people who have the virus would be home in bed suffering despite what they tell you in the media. Perhaps the few days before they were aware they had it would be the danger time for others to catch it, and I bet a lot of people would still get on with their lives (going to work and shopping) despite suffering symptoms…
Hospitalisations and deaths are well down (for several reasons) but recorded and unrecorded cases are ongoing:
As of 4 June 2021
Recorded Total Cases (UK) 4,506,016
Recorded Active Cases 107,633
7-day Moving Average Cases 4,147
3-day Moving Average Cases 5,280
Latest Recorded Daily Cases: 6,238
June 4 2020 Recorded Daily Cases: 1633
So we could be looking at 150,000-180,000 recorded new cases over the next 4 weeks (unless BJ and Soapy pull something out of the hat).
Got it. Thanks…granddaughter 26 with both jabs has been tested positive …the whole family including us now in lockdown
A further 5,765 confirmed cases in the UK were announced by the government on Sunday.
Quite a few people with a distinctive cough around here. It’s not normal to have a cough in June. So I think there are more infections out there than the data shows. However, it’s not resulting in the sharp increase in hospitalisation we saw last year.
Mr P has hayfever and coughs a lot. Before, everyone used to avoid him like the…well, like he had the virus…but now, nobody has reacted. Weird…
Could that be because we are taking better care of the older people, or because those who were vulnerable have sadly passed away Annie?
Or maybe the vaccine works? ;-)
Doubt we will ever know, either way.