Convenience foods are making us fat for ever?

I wonder what she feels she is missing that she needs to be so hardline about it. Making yourself ill to lose weight…what part of that makes sense to her?! :017:

Since January she has dropped from dress size 24 to 18 - is aiming to reach 14 by Christmas!

Oh Tabby! Good god, her body can’t adjust to that :scream: It’s in starvation mode and holding onto everything it can! Your body needs time to adjust…plateau…readjust, while feeding it good quality nutrition (which I’m sure you know and have told her already)

This is borderline eating disorder stuff. Is she unwell that she needs to lose so much in such a short space of time?

LOL!! No - she is not ill as such - though, as I said before, she has not been 100% well since she started this. Her main objective is to lose as much weight as possible as quickly as possible. Has booked a three month long ‘World Cruise’ for January and wants to look slim and glamourous for that.

As long as I have known her she has been on one diet or another - Weight Watchers, Rosemary Conlan and the infamous Herbalife thing that caused so much litigation in USA. This SW one is just the current craze - but it does seem to have taken over.

I won’t go food shopping with her any more as she drones on - and on - about the number of syns in everything!

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It’s working !
Anyone who is size 24 is obese .


It may not have been of her own making though. Meds or hormone issues can make someone gain a lot of weight.


There is some very good advice from the Van Tulleken brothers, Dr Xand & Dr Chris :+1:

Any search engine should be able to offer many links :ok_hand:

this is the guy I watched - what astounded me was that no research had ever been done and yet the fast food manufacturers were pumping out stuff all the time and a % of any population from South America to Uk were choosing it so that the whole eating habits of generations were being changed and adulterated!

however the most significant finding were the change in brain chemistry - a healthy brain and body measures and controls the amount of say sugars ; salts etc and tells us when to stop taking them - this ability was stopped in the experiment by continually eating “junk food” and once the experiment was stopped these same chemical processes continued in the brain and appeared to be irreversible ?? so it could be classified as an addiction and possible irreversible?? another significant factor was that no other research had been done in this area of nutrition - they searched to literature and found none

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Scary stuff!

I never eat processed, convenience meals.
Just reading the side of the pack about what’s contained in these foods is horrific to me.

Fresh is best.

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I bet peeps here do eat processed foods not realising it’s processed , sausages, bacon, ham. pate, salami.,corned beef.all processed

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I never eat pork so am safe from all those evils .
But do eat fish so am probably full of mercury.:frowning:

After my first heart attack I asked the dietician what foods should I avoid after I left hospital.
She listed the usual suspects, salt, sat fats and processed foods, and should only be eaten very occasionally, but by far and away the food to be avoided the most was sausages…I have never eat them since.
I must admit to eating ham regularly, bacon when away on holiday (the fry up breakfast) and corned beef when the fancy takes me.
My downfall is sugar and sweet stuff…

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Oh come on Ripple, Isn’t that just a tad condescending?
I celebrate eating junk food, salted peanuts, olives in brine , chorizo to name but a few… I don’t scoff on them seven days a week I hasten to add :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m going to filled with remorse when I tuck in to the sachet of Angel Delight I picked up in Asda on Thursday :wink:

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:joy: No I’d say was being extremely humble vegetarian.
Enjoy your Angel delight, I’m sure the remorse won’t last for long

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I hope you’ve made a good recovery :slightly_smiling_face:

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The remorse will pass, the guilt will linger.

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Thanks Ripple…About as good as I would expect for a 72 year old sugar junkie…Still jogging though…

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