Controversy as cafe 'publicly shames' mum on social media for mess left at table

Yes Morty thats right…but she must have been identifiable if the sister knew who it was. Was she there too, or is she the “person concerned” (I don’t have FB so can’t check fully)

We need to remember that other customers had to eat in that cafe too and although I would have been sympathetic to the mother I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to eat near that mess, so would probably have gone to eat elsewhere.

The cafe are trying to make a living from people who eat there & the mother wanted to feed her child, so maybe a quiet word from the person running the cafe offering something suitable to help the mother clear the mess would have been the best solution .
Toddlers make a mess, but strangers don’t want to eat among it!

It’s common decency to clear up after yourself, it’s not hard but then some people just don’t care and have no manners. Got to feel sorry for the kids really if their Mother is as scruffy as this what chance is there for them, after all, children learn through the behaviour of parents.

The staff have enough to do without customers making their job even harder.

If it were my shop I wouldn’t have said anything but I would have though in my head what a scruffy cow and hope she wouldn’t come back!

Yes it seems as if it’s always someone’s else’s fault .

@Long Driver,. Never heard of " tongue in cheek" LD ?
Sorry about your wet pants though !!
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

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Yeah, I’ve heard of it, of course I have, but reading words from a screen, sometimes it’s almost impossible to read as the author intended, if you catch my drift.


One member of staff should be able to clear that table and sweep up in a jiff, without stopping to take photos. They probably had other reasons for bitching.


Maybe they did, and yes, I agree that showing photos was very unkind of them. However, I still maintain that a wee bit of an apology would have gone a long way. Its nice to be nice. :smiley:

They should have a sign on the door:



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My gosh. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.
Kids make messes wherever they go. In restaurants. In their homes. At their grandparents, At school. Wherever they go. It’s what they do best. Not saying it’s right, but it happens. Seen way worse.
Crikey dick! This was not controversy-worthy at all.
And I’m willing to bet that some of those who shamed the mum on social media have let their own kids get away with way worse. Oops, excuse me, no that won’t happen, cos they’re so perfect.
No wonder I like my dogs more than people.



Take a littlie out and feed them, expect a mess.

It is only good manners for the parents to clean up after them.

This happens all the time on the Continent and nobody is offended.

As the littlies get older, you can show them how to clean up after themselves and make it fun.


Swimmy, I fear that the child will grow up with a feeling of entitlement and that the whole world is against them if they don’t get what they think they deserve. :frowning:


Taking Littlies out for a meal is normal on the Continent, multi generational meals.

Everyone at the table cleans up after them.

I think it is great.

As they get past messy toddler age they are taught how to eat, what is acceptable, and what is not.

Cleaning up becomes fun and they get rewards.

They are introduced to alcohol and water early, they learn and getting ratted, which is part of ||||UK Culture, simply does not happen abroad.

The kids think being drunk is stupid.

As a young teen you will not get a snog if you are drunk.

I don’t think it looks that bad, I’ve seen worse in cafes, not made by children either.
I would have said sorry to the staff though had it been my kid & I would have offered to clean up. Done it myself when I knocked over a coffee & the mess from that was far worse than that toddler made.

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The staff are a bit fussy as someone said a dust pan and brush would have fixed that in a jiffy .


Has nobody been in a Toby carvery
pub on any Sunday lunchtime ??
People piling food on their plates so high that the yorkshire puddings
are falling onto the floor whilst queueing , and then being trodden
into the carpets ??
I suppose it all comes from people’s upbringing ?
Much has changed in the last 30yrs !!
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::frowning::-1:

Oh, come off it, that mess isn’t that bad, I’ve seen adults with no kids leave a lot worse. Two minutes to sweep up and clear the table when I was a waitress!

Customers (even those who make a mess) are always right. And if you provide high chairs and encourage families, then the price for that is a bit of mess

Yes, she should have made an effort to clear up a bit. But for the cafe to take to Fancebook to grizzle about it is pathetic

But is there more to this? Did they ask her to tidy up and then there was a big row or she was abusive? Surely they wouldn’t have banned her and her kids just for that little bit of mess?

They didn’t name her in the Facebook post so this is her and her sister self-shaming really.

I wonder if the Facebook post was the cafe trying to have the last word in the ongoing argument and the reply from her sister the same, plus trying to get a bit of revenge with bad publicity?

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My two pence worth…
The mum should at the very least have apologised for the mess.
The cafe owner or staff member should had the sense not to publish this mess - not nice publicity.

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Well I’m with @Maree on this. For heaven’s sake, I was expecting to see an explosion of mess - tomato ketchup running down the chair legs, messy food trodden into the carpet, tea and coffee spilt all over the table. But this? A few bits of food the toddler threw off the high chair? I have seen this amount of ‘mess’ and worse in every child-friendly café I have ever been in, and no one bats an eyelid. A quick brush with a long handled brush and pan, clear the table, and it’s all ready for the next customer. In seconds. If you don’t want it, then don’t provide high chairs

Seriously, I think they’ve shot themselves in the foot by putting this on Facebook. I certainly wouldn’t give them my custom.

I won’t be going.


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