Contactless card query


There is something very not right about this story. You were right to question the girl.

The card reader should have been in plain sight.

Your card should NEVER EVER leave your sight.

The only time I would hand my card to someone if when the waiter/waitress comes to the table with a remote/portable card reader in which case they put the card into it right in front of you, type in the payment amount and then hand you the card. Again, the card never leaves your sight.

You should know that it takes a split second (literally) to “skim” a card. That is to sweep it through a tiny card reading device. It would be quicker than paying using the contactless method where there is always a 1-2 second delay whilst the details are read and processed.

It is very possible that they are skimming people’s cards under the counter. Such fraud and crime is very prevalent.
They could even have a camera under there constantly recording so they could hold your card under it and flip it over for the security number on the back. The waiter could even just have their mobile phone recording under there for that purpose. With all the details from front and back recorded to freeze frame at a later time they could then use your details fraudulently.

I would personally log into your bank account (assuming you have online banking) a few times a day to see if any odd transactions appear and if so contact the bank immediately.

Would that be worth doing for £20 purchases?

I thought skimming was only worth it if your PIN number was compromised(ie: camera recording you)?

I do agree that your card should never leave your sight for these very reasons.

Let us not forget the reason for the use of contactless transactions. It is to save time. If you are in a queue of people wanting to pay you might be glad of this innovation.

You misunderstand the situation.

If I know your long card number, and the card expiry date and the 3 digit security number on the back, I can go off to the internet and buy anything I want.

Contactless doesn’t some into it.

Sometimes people have online passwords set up so that when they buy anything, the website pops up that additional screen asking for letters from your password. However many websites don’t do that and many people don’t have passwords set up anyway. Only yesterday I bought some theatre tickets online and it didn’t ask for any password.

I have used contactless quite a bit and every time, they have asked first and the card has not left my sight.

Btw, did you know that you can contact your bank and tell them that you don’t want a contactless card?

I thought online traders had to deliver to the card holders address.

No, you can ask for any other delivery address for example as you could for a birthday gift?

True but whenever I’ve done that an RBS pop up appears asking for security verification.

Yep and as I said earlier that’s because some people have set up that particular security element. Not all have.

Equally not all websites have the software that pops up that verification screen. There are a lot of exceptions.

I think it maybe the individual bank’s conditions as I didn’t ask.
Also if I want to transfer money to a new payee I have to have my card and a card reader to verify the transaction.

Apparently there’s a phone app that can be downloaded to read your contactless card , the person can just put their phone to your bag or coat and use the app to read your card details, !

Saw this on TV.
They suggested, as did JBR, a metal card case.

They’re only a few quid.

Is that at the £1 shop?

Joking apart, I went into Bramhall for a coffee with my daughter.
As we walked through the precinct she said “I’m just running into the £1 shop”

I was gobsmacked, a bloomin )1 shop in Bramhall, how dare they.

Anyway, I saw a tiny bin(about 8" tall)that would be good on my desk.
So I wandered over…£9.99…in a £1 shop. Only in Bramhall:lol:

Phew, order restored.

I understand that in Bramhall, they are actually £10 shops.

Incidentally, my first wife and I were there only a couple of days ago to look at Bramall Hall. That’s worth a visit and, again, only a few quid!

Yep all good but . . .

If you think that a crook, that has your card number, expiry date and 3 digit security number can’t take money out of your account then you are imo very mistaken.

Moral of the story is never let your card out of your site and always keep the details covered.

You were literally a few hundred yards from my place…and I don’t charge visitors:lol:

Thanks for all the comments folks.

I went to the bank today and everything looks fine. The lady did explain about the contactless cards and she did say I do have the choice. They were wrong to not ask and take the card from me to do it.
I will keep regular checks on my account, but not online, as I don’t do online banking.

I’ve also taken on board all the comments about scammers too - thanks for that.

At least this is the first time it has happened, very much an eye opener…so I will never let it happen again!

I will be making a complaint to the manager of the restaurant in how the girl handled it. Just a shame I couldn’t get to do it today.

Pesta, I do agree with this. Keep checking your bank account.

Yes, thanks petal …wake up, I did say that above your head.
What ya like? :smiley:

Nobody ever listens to me :090: