Communication online? Use your gmail chat or meet?

I use the free DropBox for that, I like the fact that if I am out taking photos on my phone by the time I get home they are already on my lap and desktop (the free version of Dropbox ha a limit of three devices)

Every so often I move the photos from Dropbox to another folder on my Desktop to free up space in Dropbox as there is a limit but it takes me years to fill. I even have a batch file to do the work for me.

@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set "sourcedir=%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Camera Uploads"
set "targetdir=D:\Libraries\Pictures\Phone Photos"

for %%F in ("%sourcedir%\*.jpg", "%sourcedir%\*.mp4") do  (
set "CopyFile=%%~nxF"
		REM Get filename without extension
			set "FileName=%%~nF"
		REM Get first four characters from the filename
			set "DirName=!FileName:~0,4!"
		If !DirName!==Scre (
		set "PathName=Screenshots"
		) ELSE (
		set "PathName=!DirName!"
		rem set target directory
				set "NewPath=%targetdir%\!PathName!"
				echo the path is !NewPath!
					REM Create directory if not exist
				if not exist "!NewPath!" md "!NewPath!"
					REM copy the file
			rem xcopy "%%F" "!NewPath!" /d
			robocopy "%sourcedir%"  "!NewPath!"   "!CopyFile!"


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Always various ways and means.


After I downloaded WhatsApp and silenced the annoying notification beep …
Yes it’s ok .

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