Cleveland PC who urinated in shop guilty of gross misconduct

If I had been caught no doubt😂

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Smelly urine? A definite indicator of dehydration

Or maybe it has been there a while? As in, perhaps this wasn’t the first time she had done it. This is was just the first time she had been caught

Aye, nobody thought of that did they?! :toilet: :roll_of_toilet_paper:

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Or, since the shop doesn’t seem to have any toilets, then maybe that’s where the assistants have a wee and they thought this would be a great opportunity to pass the can, as it were.

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I think CCTV should be installed in all changing rooms
Stand by for a new reality show on TV



Stand by for a new series of crimewatch (voyeurs) more like.

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Hang on, didn’t you just tell me that Yorkshire didn’t smell of piss?

Only in post offices in the queue for pensions