Chapped lips as we age

Ruthio, I was thinking about this cream myself as they have been advertising it on telly lately, but this bit has put me off.
What on earth can be in it that is so flammable I wonder?

Think I’ll stick to me chemical-free one after all.

Hazards and Cautions

Fire hazard. Do not smoke or go near naked flames; clothing or bedding with this product dried on them can catch fire easily.

Precautions: Mild skin reactions, such as redness and rash, have been seen very rarely. Should this occur, use of the product should be stopped.


Maybe you’re missing some vits Pauline. I like those little vaseline pots

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Bought this for them…really sore at the moment, bottom lip is bleeding…


Can’t say I’ve noticed it. I wear lipstick all day anyway, and that’s moisturising and I like this, gives your lips just a hint of pinky pout. I recommend it to Chillie :rofl:

If it’s real sore and doesn’t go away, then it can be lack of vit B, too much vit A, some blood pressure tabs and chloresterol meds or am infection, so maybe ask your doc

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Thanks for the recommendation. Will have to change my shade of eye shadow though :clown_face:


Mups I’ve seen that advert I think, and I believe it’s a slightly different name, still beginning with C

I always keep a tube of Blistex with me. Can’t live without it.

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I read that online as well ,Maree…might get some of that in boots,:+1::+1:

I like the aloe version (green), although I do think all these lip salves are drying and you get addicted to them because of that


I tend to get chapped lips when I am travelling/camping presumably because I am outdoors unless sleeping. I carry chapstick in my car, it lasts for years, might be decades actually

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I think maybe you mean this one? This is what they keep advertising. Ive never tried it though.

Quoting Pauline -
“Bought this for them…really sore at the moment, bottom lip is bleeding…”

Pauline, if your lip is bleeding, are you sure you haven’t got a cold sore?

I was surprised how quickly the lip balm healed my lips,:+1:…much better this morning…will continue to use it, plus no lipstick wearing for the moment.

I have never had chapped lips. I do wear lipstick when l go out, so l suppose that has protected my lips from the elements over the years.
If l did, l would use good old Vaseline!!

I use Cetraben ointment, I put some on the scar where l had 13 stitches across my knee when l fell in my garden about 3 years ago.
The scar has faded more than l ever thought it would and l think using the Cetraben ointment every night has helped it. I think Cetraben is marvellous and there is no mention on the tub about it being a fire hazard.
I also have the Cetraben lotion and that does carry a fire hazard warning.
I keep it in my en-suite so l’m sure it’s pretty safe in there!
Both Cetraben items were prescribed by my Doctor.

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It’s fabulous!
Recommended by my dermatlogist.
Not to be confused with the much advertised CERAVE


I use sisley lipstick, their lip balms have excellent reviews, expensive, but if it’s anything like their lipstick, I will be trying it…their lipsticks only needs one application a day.:+1:

Anybody tried this? I use it now and again.

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I get dry and chapped lips always have and because always out walking the boys. Got a nivea stick feels very good but have to keep putting it on through the day.

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Try Bobbi Brown Lip Balm with SPF15.
It works!

Ye,s I get it. The weather down under is horrid at the mo - dry, windy and hot.
I find Vaseline is the best thing for chapped lips.