Changes to phone services

Have you heard of the word ‘technophobe’? – well that’s me!

I have a basic Doro mobile phone and a landline phone which also provides Broadband for this computer

However I gather all this will change soon, so please, can you tell me in simple terms what will happen and what my options are?
I suppose it’s about time I dragged myself into modern times anyway

If it’s any help a while ago the housing company & Virgin supplied fibre to the street but I am not connected

I have a landline solely for wifi but no phone. My smartphone is used for all my calls.

Same here EZ, I no longer have a separate home phone.

And @zuludog … Here’s a good Smartphone to get running the latest version of Android:

SAMSUNG Galaxy A16

Thanks mate but I’m more of an Apple kinda guy. One a day keeps the Doctor away. ( An Onion a day keeps everyone away) :wink:

The phone recommendation is for @zuludog

What would you recommend?


I have automatic call system for falls or if my breathing stops.

It needs a landline

Zuludog’s got fibre in the road outside, that will be replacing the old landline copper wires, so in other words his modem with take digit call made with his old phone handset. I chose not to do that though I have kept my handset which could be connected in a few seconds