Changes to phone services

Have you heard of the word ‘technophobe’? – well that’s me!

I have a basic Doro mobile phone and a landline phone which also provides Broadband for this computer

However I gather all this will change soon, so please, can you tell me in simple terms what will happen and what my options are?
I suppose it’s about time I dragged myself into modern times anyway

If it’s any help a while ago the housing company & Virgin supplied fibre to the street but I am not connected

I have a landline solely for wifi but no phone. My smartphone is used for all my calls.

Same here EZ, I no longer have a separate home phone.

And @zuludog … Here’s a good Smartphone to get running the latest version of Android:

SAMSUNG Galaxy A16

Thanks mate but I’m more of an Apple kinda guy. One a day keeps the Doctor away. ( An Onion a day keeps everyone away) :wink:

The phone recommendation is for @zuludog

What would you recommend?