Champion of dog pooh award!

@Donkeyman, Contacted local council and was told I could put DP in household bin provided it was securely wrapped. New neighbours think it ok to let their dogs use our lawn as a toilet.

Ask your neighbours to keep their dog off the lawn, and say that their dog’s waste (pee and poop) is toxic & will kill the grass. I know its new neighbours, and for the sake of good relations you don’t want to cause trouble, but
its your lawn :woman_shrugging:

@PixieKnuckles , Yeah, l know that Pixie !
I was thinking more on the lines of taking it home with you and popping
it down the the loo and flushing it ???
After slipping it out of the poo bag first of course !!
So easy !!
Donkeyman! :grin::+1::grin::+1:

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Pfffft! :face_vomiting: No way @Donkeyman :018: :joy:

Put pepper on the lawn

It hasn’t been the case for us. Maybe it’s because we clear it up regularly.

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I’m glad you do - so do I. But the urine causes yellow patches, apparently :woman_shrugging:

@PixieKnuckles Why, whats the problem?
Thats what Mr Crapper invented the loo for !!
Shyte is shyte wherever it comes from after all ???
Donkeyman! :hugs::hugs:


@Donkeyman Dog poo harbours much more bacteria than human poo, and our sewer system can’t clean it all properly. This is why it should be binned separately. I only know this because I got the idea of making a business of being a “pooper scooper” way back (2014 I think) and did so much research on it.

Are those hugs you are giving me? Have you washed your hands? Mucky pup! :joy:

@PixieKnuckles , HA! HA! ,
Pixieknuckles and her scoop,
Toured the streets collecting poop.
She did such a roaring trade,
Collecting the mess that our dogs made.
That the citizens gave her a name!
For starting in the dog shyte game,
The name they gave was pooper scooper !!
And then they added , super duper!!
Now pixie’s known as" Dame super duper pooper scooper" !!
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::grin::+1:



@Donkeyman its 05:11, and far too early to be chucking away this hard, but
this is so funny! Thanks! :+1:

@PixieKnuckles , Fort you might like it pixie, shall l write annuvver verse ??
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

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Of course! You clearly have a talent for talking sh
such lovely poetry! :joy:

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@PixieKnuckles me thinks the lady talks with forked tongue !
Donkeyman! :-1::-1:

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Not at all @Donkeyman

We are talking sh**, not snakes :snake:


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