Carrots on TV

Been watching some BBC cop drama and there’s scene with mother and daughter in the kitchen talking away and the teenage daughter is busy preparing a meal, apparently. Big knife, big wooden chopping board, chopping carrots. Why oh why is it always carrots? They are a clean colourful prop, easy to chop, but isn’t it about time ham actors chopped something else?

Indeed, make them chop something a bit more challenging such as a butternut squash or swede.

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They could make hollandaise sauce or skin a chicken, nothing too demanding but adds a touch of reality.

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In Emily in Paris, the chef in the series makes an omelet. The actor was actually a sous chef in France before he became an actor. The actor made the omelet although the rest of the chopping was done by a double.

No washing of the omelet pan was part of the plot of the show.

Ah that’s different. Carrots are chopped incidentally … like two people chatting in the front of a moving car.

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Talking of carrots, I see Aldi have resurrected that dreadful Kevin the Carrot Ad. They think it’s amusing, moi?, I just want to scream! :scream: :scream:

they are a loss leader.

Surely, the chopping of the carrots is purely incidental, it’s the conversation that should be the important bit…perhaps if the script was more exciting then the Carrot chopping would fade into insignificance…Perhaps it should be done naked… :open_mouth:
And then, who cares what was being chopped!..

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Yes, ironically, they think they are making the kitchen scene more like anyone else’s kitchen where carrot chopping is all that happens.

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Onions, chopping onions brings tears to the eyes…too much for the average luvvie! :onion::sob::sob::sob:

… snivelling actors

Exactly so…I have nothing further to add so that’s shallot!


They should take lessons from Nigella,I’m sure she knows how to handle anything in the kitchen.