Car Service - how much?

Gas? Wow, I didn’t know about that. I know nothing about air con as I’ve never had a car with one.

I’d worry myself silly if I knew gas was around in the car. :surprised:

Sorry you’re having probs Mups.

Thanks Pesta :slight_smile:
Yes, it’s been a bit of a nightmare.

Fender told me to not bother with it, I should have listened.
On the other hand, if it really was leaking gasses, what would have happened if I hadn’t checked?
Would it have been dangerous? :confused:

How complicated!

Isn’t the air con the same as the heater?

You turn it towards blue to belt out cold air, and you turn it towards red to belt out hot air. Several different degrees each way according to how fierce you want the air to be.

Maybe air con is something different?

No, not the same thing Ruthio, but one of the men will have to explain, because I can’t.

Where’s Fender when we need him? :slight_smile:

Slightly off topic Mups,but a question for anyone to answer.

Is it true air con affects petrol consumption, ie more is used?

Similarly, does using the usual fan in cars for heat or cool air etc do the same?

I do believe the A/C does affect petrol consumption, yes, Pesta. I have a feeling it increases consumption, but by how much, I haven’t a clue.

I wouldn’t have thought just using the car heater would at all though, but perhaps Fender or one of the other men here can explain.

Hiya Mups.
Something doesn’t make sense.
A. You said it was working / cooling ok. These hold very little refrigerant. If it was leaking and short, they don’t cool - but yours was?
B. Can you ask the garage EXACTLY which seals they are talking about, as they are mostly basic “o-rings” and not costly.
C. Also, what are they talking about “if the pipe breaks”??

No, if it’s leaking, it’s not dangerous. Once the system has lost a large % of it’s charge it will just shut off on a safety switch and not run. However, if a system is leaking, you are “meant” to have it repaired to prevent a knowing loss of refrigerant. That’s what they are playing on.

All sounds very suspect to me - like they are having you on to make more money.

The use of the fan in the car will have no effect on fuel consumption.
Using the a/c, as a rule you’ll lose about 2bhp and your fuel consumption will increase by around 5%.

Thanks fenderbender… I’ll blast the heat in the cold weather then. :cool:

Cos, the ‘cooler’ is less than useless

Go for it gal…;-)…:lol:

To relate the final update on this thread - in post 36 Fender gave me food for thought.
In fact, he ended up phoning the said garage on my behalf, as I found it difficult to argue with them on a subject I know nothing about.

Fender told me he was not impressed with what he was being told, and to cut a long story short, on his recommendation, I booked my car in elsewhere to be check over for a second opinion.

It didn’t make sense that my A/C was cooling the car beautifullly when I took my car in to the first garage, yet had completely conked out by the time it came out again!

So, my car has been at the second garage all day today, and they delivered it home for me this afternoon - job done.

I asked about this ‘leak’ and it seems there wasn’t one!
This second garage tested the A/C properly, and refilled it with no gas leaks whatsoever.
Charge was £102 complete, instead of the £235 - £358 that the first garage had quoted to ‘fix it.’

The moral of this story is - don’t always believe everything you are told at some garages. Do your homework, or speak to someone who knows more than you.

And sadly, there are some tradesmen who will tell women tales to earn extra dosh for themselves or their company, gambling on us ladies not understanding the problem.
My advice is, if you don’t know - ask someone who does!

Now I don’t know whether I should be telling you this or not, but when I went to pay, I was informed my bill had already been paid.

“Can’t be” I said. :confused:

The man double checked.

“Yes madam” he says, your friend who spoke to us earlier has already settled the bill."

FENDER! He says he has helped me because he knows about a very difficult, ongoing problem I am enduring over something personal. Maybe I’ll be able to tell you one day in the future.

Now before you think I am awful, I have tried to pay back this good deed, but he will not accept payment.
I felt quite overcome as you can imagine. I’ve never had a Fairy Godfather before!


It’s reassuring to know there still are good people in the world, Mups. :slight_smile:


You’re welcome…:wink:
However, it’s ruined my naughty boy image.
I’ll now have to be twice as naughty to make up for it…:lol:

Ahhh but you’re a star :cool:

You’re a love ain’tcha. We need more like you in this world :038:

You’ve already been naughty enough I think!

I must say, it was a joy to have a nice cool car again today though. :slight_smile:

MOT today

That dreaded time of the year. The annual MOT. I know mine is going to fail. The horn has suddenly stopped working! Happened once before, but a local garage was supposed to have fixed it.

See Mups, I told you that fender was a Hero that would take care of you. There are quite a few gentlemen on this forum who are always happy to assist a lady

I hope that, one day, us ladies can repay their kindness in some way.
If fender lived closer you could have invited him round for a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of home made lemon drizzle cake;-)

Well done fender!:038:

Sorry. My post somehow got into another thread

I wouldn’t take it to the dealer, I’d look for an air-con specialist in the area.

Thank you Ray, but if you have a look back at post 40, you will see this has been resolved by a knight in shining armour. :slight_smile: