Brexit benefits - where are they?

Pew, that is good news, at least for those few who really miss tomatoes in February.
And the distance Kampala - London is just 6200 kilometers or a 10,25 hours flight away from London.
I guess that is what D. Davis, D. Frost, B.Johnson, JRM and the others meant by “great opportunities”.
Problem solved, hurrah!


I have to disagree Wendeey, however you may be right.

I will not be around 10 years after the vote to leave to see the Benefits.

You are correct, I was expecting to see the Benefits much sooner.

Meanwhile we have messed up the lives and opportunities of our grandchildren to be Europeans

There is no shortage of vegetables the problem is that France is holding up lorries at the ports for hours so HGV drivers are refusing to do UK jobs …the problem is France and the EU …there are no hold ups on the UK side to get into France.

Thats what I’ve been told anyway and it seems plausible to me

That’s the sort of thing that happens when you upset your neighbours.

When my old man visted Australia he was really (and I mean REALLY) annoyed to find tomatoes of all varieties growing from my compost heap, not just growing but thriving. He had spent his entire adult life in the UK building greenhouses to grow the damn things.

To find them growing here, unstaked but covered in fruit out in the open coupled with the fact that I didn’t care probably contributed to his demise two years later.

Covid, summed up by the Scotch Egg, Brexit summarized by the Tomato, whatever next?

Wish I lived in Australia

You are surely eligible under a family reunion visa? (I don’t know, never looked)

homeaffairs, (something like that)

Hi Summer.

I love your posts, your personality and Commonsense.

You are quite right, the French dislike us as much as we dislike them.

I think that you have been misinformed about this.

The EU is not placing any restrictions on what leaves the EU to the UK Mainland.

They could not be less bothered, they check nothing, we decided to leave, nothing to do with them, it is our problem. We are not checking anything, the systems are not in place even after all these years after we voted to leave.

They also have no problem with letting illegals leave France to land here and become our problem.

We are no longer part of the EU and cannot return them.

They are loving it.

Are they interfering and making life difficult for us?

Yes, of course they are.

They can only interfere with Goods leaving the UK and landing in France.

They check everything, even empty vehicles.

They cannot believe how stupid Boris was to pare down even Theresa May’s agreement and leave them in even more control.


Swim please don’t use the word ‘we’ because that’s including me and all the people I know and I don’t dislike the French and don’t know anybody who does and I’m sure that goes the other way regarding the French not liking us, I’ve never known a French person who doesn’t like the Brits, but have read about it both ways. Yes you get some idiots who think that way, but thankfully that’s just a very few on both sides.

I probaby am but I have my other son and grandchildren here I am torn and it would mean a new life completely and we are old .
Should have gone years ago

Let’s better understand the point you are trying to make here. You are saying that the customs checks placed on goods entering France from the UK, now its outside the EU, are the fault of the French. They are applying these checks unfairly because the plucky Brits decided to leave the EU. The French customs are doing this because as a nation the French dislike the English.
Good grief man. Talk about having a warped view of the world. Is it a skewed arrogance or an insecurity that makes you think that poor little England is being picked on?

Well @strathmore you would know all about arrogance … If anyone deems to disagree with your viewpoint on Brexit then you arrogantly, and often patronisingly, lecture them on where they are wrong (according to you). Where is the respect for the opinions that do not reflect your own? Surely legitimate discussions should demonstrate that even if opinions differ?


Pipsqueak I strongly agree with your post.


I respect informed views. I definitely do not respect ignorant and empty claims. I really do not respect people who look at Brexit and blame anyone other than the UK. And I do not respect people who cast around blame onto other countries for the mess they’ve supported.
But you raise a good point. My knocking of pro-Brexit views could stop - if you point out one benefit. Which is the point of this thread. And as we’ve had 875 posts you’d think one tangible benefit would have surfaced to change my mind and stop my “lectures on why they are wrong”. Seems not.

What customs checks are these considering …

  1. We control what comes into the UK not France
  2. Most lorries going into France are empty.
  3. Checks are done away from borders anyway (unless customs gave a genuine reason for checking, such as dangerous goods, tip-offs for smuggling etc)

And while I’m on I’ve posted loads of brexit benefits for you.

What are the benefits of giving up your rights as a sovereign nation ? Anyone ?

The key was tangible, not conceptual. The notional gaining of fuller sovereignty must surely lead to something tangible? Such as …? Sovereignty, in itself, don’t pay the electricity bill. No matter how good you have been told to feel about it.
Is it not better for a nation to have slightly less sovereignty (by allowing another, bigger, body to take on small aspects of sovereign decision making) and more wealth? Especially if that nation has a say and a veto in these specific sovereign decisions?
Surely its a foolish to demand this supposed thing called sovereignty at huge cost to the country? And no tangible benefit. Just so a few who do not believe themselves to be European (although obviously they are) can feel good (but not specifically know why).

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I said we wouldn’t pay the £190 billion towards the EU Covid Recovery Fund - that’s tangible, so is not having to apply single market rules to UK tangible goods we export to countries outside the EU.

To be fair political unions in general seldom have tangible benefits - same as the union of the UK or the union of the EU (even between member states).

This huge cost because of Brexit is a complete myth. I suggest you stop believing IMF and OBR forecasts, they are always wrong, you just need to wait until the truth comes out.

Sovereignty is everything- it’s another word for democracy.


So there’s the difference! I respect your opinion and your right to express it even though I totally disagree with it. I wouldn’t dream of patronising you because I disagree with you. As to your point about the reason I support Brexit, it is because I value our sovereignty. Make of that what you will - but politely if you must without an arrogant, patronising lecture which would not persuade me to change my opinion or even take note of what you have to say. In reality, I am always interested in the opinions of other people when expressed in a reasonable way.