Brexit benefits - where are they?

Freedom to live and work in Europe without visas .
Freedom of trade without unnecessary barriers .
Access to the worlds biggest market .

Err, the continuation of being in the EU single market and the fact that trade would continue uninterrupted and without additional costs and delays.

Not much has changed here!

Yes it has .

It might have there, I wouldn’t know.

Brexit has and will, continue to keep Journalists in the lap of luxury for the foreseeable.

Other catastrophes are available.

Nothing ever runs smoothly after the moment when the implementation is put into the hands of our civil service.

If they don’t like it, you’re not going to have it!

HS2, Brexit, you name it!

They are amongst the biggest employers in the Country.

What do you get for your money?

Roads, NHS, Border Force, Defence Force, Diplomacy, King Charles, prisons, drafting legislation, your driving licence, police, Pension payments, dole payments, Royal staff, the courts and so much more.

You’re better off asking, “Where would we be without them?”

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Well, taking each in turn, just about every item you listed is in dire straits!

Which ones are actually driven efficiently, on time, & within budget.

Which ones do you think the public would tick the box for that says "we are very satisfied with the performance of this facility?

As usual you have to make sense the big picture by looking at the small picture. I was an analyst for a medium sized engineering company, and was tasked with providing reporting to deal with day to day operational issues. No one really wanted the solutions provided because most of the players relied on the bad practices and inefficiencies within the system to maintain their well paid jobs, similar situations are maintained in the bigger picture

Sometimes chaos pays the bills.

The Tory party, put up the idea of a referendum to leave the EU,

The Tory party held a referendum on leaving the EU,

The Tory party negotiated the country out of the EU.

Now the Tory party are apparently saying that the way out of the economic crisis and suffocating poverty is by rejoining the single market.

Is that true?

Not at all!

Around here, the focus is on why we are not a self sufficient Country, in terms of oil, electricity, gas, etc.

That’s what needs to be fixed.

Really have we suddenly discovered oil ?

Yes, North Sea, maybe?

We already have North Sea oil fields and their production has been declining for the last 20 + years .
They didn’t make us self sufficient either we import oil .

I think we export crude and import refined, and, probably make a few bob in the process.

Well worth a read:

To survive, Rishi Sunak must take on the “Bregretters”