BBC dump Met Office

After 93 years the Beeb has dumped the Met Office.

I bet the Met did not see that storm coming :wink:

Some years ago, Norway awarded the national weather forecaster the title of ‘Liar of the Year’ award.


I heard this being discussed on the radio yesterday. The weather forcast is going to be put out to tender I guess to find a cheaper option than the Met office taking into account the BBC cuts .
So our forecast could be coming from another country.
I don’t like change :frowning: I am too old

The BBC said it would still use the Met Office for its severe weather warnings.

Makes buying that latest purchase of it’s £100m Cray super computer worthwhile doesn’t it;-)

There’s an old lady at the top of our village who is a witch.
She’s a white witch, and doesn’t walk around with a pointy hat, and no warts on her nose.

She tells the future weather by squeezing her bunions or something. She’d do it for the BBC for a couple of quid a week. Probably much more accurate than the Sinclair Cray as well.

Tomorrow’s weather? It’s gonna rain. That’s for free. A sample of the old witches skill.

Sounds like a case of Scilly automatic gone to far

I was rather intrigued at the method of ‘by squeezing her buttocks’ to forecast weather
then I put my glasses back on. :wink:

Oooh, Solo, you are awful

 but I like you.!!


does this mean we are going to get some idiot jumping around on a styrafoam map?

Excellent news I say !
Maybe now we will get some decent weather !

Ha! You mean Liverpool, don’t you. I knew those maps very well.


Thats the one
 If only he had fallen in and drowned

Lets be honest
our weather is a bit of a joke and predicting it must be hell !!!

I don’t think we need the weather ‘forecast’ on TV anymore, it’s never accurate anyway, this is 2015 and scientists can tell you when there’s storms on Mars but down here it’s another story. I mean suppose you wanted to take the family out on a picnic from A to B in the UK, could you get a clear answer if it was going to rain in B at 1pm when you arrive? no they couldn’t give you a straight yes or no answer, so that is not ‘forecasting’ the weather, if I go into the bookies and do a forecast bet I have to pick the right horses to come first and second in that order, otherwise I lose me bet. The BBC is right to chuck ‘em out, or keep them on part time ‘Weather Guessers’. Who can ever forget Mickey Fish?
I look at the satellite map online (Sat24) and it’s like looking down on the country live, you can see the clouds coming in and departing, plus which way the wind is blowing them and then make your own judgements on what the rest of the day is going to be like, if you get it wrong don’t despair, the BBC have been getting it wrong for donkeys years and they’re professionals.:wink:

Most of the time yes Jem :slight_smile: not days ahead but hours ahead the local forecast is very reliable

I put my postcode in here every morning and check before hanging the washing out 

Aah, well you see, Meg, you should do what us country folks do. We look out of the window.


:lol: I do that as well Han but it is only reliably accurate for about 10 minutes 

Ooh Aargh. It be zunny today. Oil leave me wellies at home.


As Jem said ‘they are never accurate anyway’. I have never seen such a bunch of weather wannabes trying to justify or prolong their spot on TV with fancy graphs and words .

Our weather system is notoriously unpredictable and no fancy million pound computer will change that. I have more faith in my seaweed hanging outside the back door and I will even try squeezing my buttocks 
because I really do object to paying my TV license for that Weather forecasting shower on the Beeb

I have a Met Office weather app on my i-phone and it is ridiculously inaccurate. I know weather forecasting is a notoriously difficult science, but they seem to get it very wrong very often. Maybe if they spent more time actually looking at weather and less trying to manipulate evidence to “prove” anthropogenic global warming, they might get it right more often.