Battery Improvements make 1000km on one charge possible

But I don’t think they were. They had a thousand paces mille passus

Yes they did, but they didn’t call them ‘miles’. Where did you think the word ‘mile’ came from? It’s from ‘mille passus’.
The Romans measured a ‘pace’ (passus) as two good steps on the march, which equated to about 1.7 to 1.8 yards. 1760 yards = 1 mile = a thousand paces.
Along their walls, like Hadrian’s Wall, they built a ‘mile castle’ at every mile (1000 paces), so I assume that they, in that way, first created the ‘mile’.
Of course, it wouldn’t have been measured with great accuracy, to the inch for example, but that’s where the word ‘mile’ came from - ‘mille’.

Yes, it came from the mile as it subsequently became before the Romans.
No big deal.

Let’s leave the flat earthers to their nostalgia for the good old days of miles and cubits and get back on topic…

I have done Brisbane to Wollongong and Philip Island to Sydney in one day, they are both about 1000km trips and about a 10hr drive on (mostly) dual carriageway. Not too difficult to do. I still occasionally do drives of 500 to 700km in a day though I try to avoid doing such distances.

I like driving those distances less as I have got older but certainly did them many time on worse roads in my youth and even now are sometimes unavoidable.

Yes, I have had long trips too. South of England to Scotland non-stop . I did that quite regularly. It was about 750km. I think the longest for me was Johannesburg to Capetown but that was two stops. Each segment was about 700km