Bad Customer Experiences In / With Shops / Staff!

Yes it was me. I felt bullied & humiliated when the doctors receptionist tried to force me to wear a mask against my will. I showed her my exemption badge but she ignored me. I flew up out of my seat & accused her of bullying me & I wasn’t going to stand for it. At that point two more receptionists came to her side to back her up.

The whole thing upset me a lot but I will not be bullied!!
I was going to change doctors because of this but later decided not to as I liked the doctor.

I sent a complaint to the practice manager but the reply came back from the ‘chief’ receptionist accusing me of aggression.

I don’t even think the practice manager got my letter…



Good for you Carol.

It takes a lot to deal with bullies in authority for most people.


I think we need a review system here where we can leave reviews of things like shops, politicians/political parties etc! :wink:


Shops and politicians/political parties all together in one area? I think that could become completely overwhelmed with politics.

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These are different topics though. Shops tend to sell things which are useful and if you ask for something the owner/assistant makes an effort to get what you asked for.

Politicians sell a load of drivel/poo poo, and when asked a question they do everything in their power to avoid answering it.


Aw, thanks swimmy.

I’d rather be nice to people - if they’re nice to me!!


I’ll get shot for saying so, but, any Shop which does not have to compete, so much, with other similar Shops, does not, in my opinion, bother much about the Customer satisfaction.

The Chemist, The Doctor’s Surgery, and others, see themselves as doing you a favour by even seeing you face to face.

Don’t complain, it’s dangerous.

So, don’t bother asking me what I think about Nationalising the big services, like Gas & Elec, Water, Railways, etc. I remember what it was like last time!

:walking_man: :man_standing: :man_kneeling:

Yep sterile’s the word.

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I stopped shopping in our village shop about 8 years ago. The staff in the Post Office bit were always miserable and barely spoke - but - what really finished it for me was the rudeness of one shop assistant. She was chewing gum and using her mobile 'phone the whole time she was scanning my shopping - never made eye contact with me at all - never spoke to me, not even to tell me how much the shopping cost. She just held out her hand and carried on chewing and chatting. I walked out - leaving her with all the shopping and a till to sort out. Have never been back. Found a Spar shop (about half a mile in the other direction) which also has a Post Office - with happy, helpful staff !