Australia goes Nuclear

What type of weapons will these subs be carrying, can I suggest the oh so reasonable Trident program? :rofl:

Non nuclear missiles, this I do know, the USA lends us missiles and we only pay for ones we actually use.


We are getting into something new here and it is not universally welcomed.

We have 14 ambulances waiting outside some hospitals, the worst backlog ever for NHS procedures and education funding less than it was 10 years ago.

China is hardly going to be worried about a Nation which cannot even deal with a few small boats.

We need to sort ourselves out first.

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Ah yes the generous Americans, missiles to you, military hardware to the Taliban, it know no bounds. :smiley::smiley::smiley:

France has recalled its Ambassadors from Australia and the USA.


Yes, this is getting nasty.

This is not good as fallings out are just what China wants.

Divide and Rule.

France has not recalled their Ambassador to the UK.

They have said they have no need to do so.

They consider the UK to be a minor player who was opportunistic.

The French do not take kindly to this and they will retaliate.

The other reason why Australia is not buying French submarines is because they are old technology compared to the USA/UK built ones.

This made me laugh

Five years after ordering and the $40billion has already turned into $90billion according to some sources before anything has even begun to be built, so the French continue to splutter at losing such a large contract.
As the recriminations rumble on, here’s the latest fopm Oz which suggests that the French knew the contract was at risk long ago:


The French have a long way to go to match the UK in cost overruns and equipment specification alterations and delays.

The French have dismissed the UK as being a Minor Player and opportunistic.

They will respond, and the easiest way to respond is to move the UK Border back to Dover, which will cause us huge problems at very little cost to France.

The UK border is and always has been on UK soil, so I have no idea what you’re on about there.

Are you saying that the sea at Dover belongs to France?


Thank you for confirming that you know naff all about a subject you regularly post on.

The UK Immigration checks for Euro star are done on the continent, then free access to the UK.

On the Ferries we do our checks on French Soil, once past that no more checks in the UK ports.

We pay for this and the agreement can be cancelled with 6 month notice.

The amount we pay is peanuts compared to the costs and delays in checking vehicles on arrival in the UK.

C’mon Mr Picky, you know what I mean and even you know that the UK’s border isn’t in France.

Thank you for confirming that you were mistaken when you said “the easiest way to respond is to move the UK Border back to Dover

Border checks and controls are not the same thing as a legal border.

I was merely asking a question for clarity based on your statement. The border between NSW and Victoria is on the Victorian side of the Murray, Victorians need a NSW fishing licence to fish in the river.

Well to clarify: beneath the channel lays soil or to be more accurate some form of solid ground and the actual legal border extends both up into the air and down below this ground.

If you want to know by how much you can do your own reserach, but if instead you only wanted a map you could have just asked.

Here’s one but others are available:

Gawd I am not that interested, it was you that seemed unclear about the issue and then had to waffle on about soil under the channel.

Unclear no.
Poorly-worded possibly.
And since you’re the one insisting upon “clarity” it was only fair to be concise in my response.
You can’t have it all ways.

When you are in a hole it is usually best to stop digging