The new federal government is faced with a challenge, an Australian citizen is facing extradition by one foreign power to another foreign power. Hopefully Albo will speak to Biden and Johnson and stop this ludicrous process going ahead.
Government representation over David Hicks was successful and there needs to be action taken in this case. Press freedom is at stake.
I agree Summer. He will have absolutely no chance in an American court, and he’ll be locked up forever. Freedom of the press? I thought that was enshrined in law and guaranteed under the US Constitution. Seems not, after all.
Freedom of the Press is guaranteed under the USA Constitution.
It is not however an unlimited freedom, it is a freedom contrilled by the Courts.
We also have Freedom of the Press here in the UK, but once again it is controlled by the Courts.
For example, it is subject to the slander and libel laws.
It is subject to legislation regarding racial hate, illegal pornography, encoragement of terrorism and the means of making explosives etc.
In both the USA and the UK it is also subject to legislation regarding treason and giving information which could harm the security of the Nation.
The later is a moveable feast, if you have signed the Official Secrets Act you are very restricted in relation to certain information gained as part of your job.
If you work for the Police you are not allowed to comment on certain things and it is a criminal offence to use Police Databases for personal use.