Artificial Sweeteners danger

You are better to have an orange than a glass of fresh orange juice Besoeker. The consultant at our slimming group used to drum that into us!

Juice has significantly less fibre and about twice the calories and carbs (mostly fruit sugar). So diabetics need to be careful.
A glass of orange juice has about as many calories as a glass of Coke, ie 10 teaspoons of sugar!

Google for more info.

Yeahbut, he said “fresh” orange juice, not processed.

Yeah but a glass of orange juice is about four oranges worth. Who would eat four oranges? The amount of sugar is ridiculous without the benefit of the fibre/pulp.

Yeah but we don’t know the size of the glass.

About 150 ml

I would say yes Bruce, we have been using sugar for ever, and there is nothing wrong with people who like a spoonful in their tea, but sweeteners are newish and formulated in the lab…Sugar might have had the hell refined out of it, but it is a natural product.


Sort of like Oleander, Hemlock, arsenic and asbestos? All natural products, must be good for you then.

For heaven’s sake!
What happened to moderation? Check out the recipe for homemade bonfire toffee, I’ve made it. The amounts of sugary ingredients are crazy. It’s a seasonal treat, I don’t pig out on it every day.

Maybe no more olives, the brine is sure to send me to an early grave.

Getting back to the point artificial sweeteners have always tasted crap IMO they ruin a decent cup of coffee.

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Agree completely Foxy.
All research done on these products are paid for by the manufacturer making it biased.


I used to make delicious Elderflower Cordial every summer but one day I just looked at the bags of sugar I was pouring in and had to stop!

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Never say die!
Just make a smaller bottle this year :wink:

I just treat myself to a small bottle of EC now instead of a coffee. :wink:

let’s face it, anything we love is bad for us!
Chocolate, bread, cakes, crisps, full fat milk, chips, pastry, biscuits, creamy yoghourts, cream, cheese, pizza - I had better stop there!

I love salads, fish, lean meats, vegetables but they just don’t fill me up. My husband says the same.

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Well there we go!

Don’t forget white bread fried in bacon fat or lard, goes well with quality sausages, bacon, tinned plumb tomatoes and load of salt and pepper :wink:

Well, I like the orange juice. But the rest? No chocolate, no crisps, no full fat milk, no yoghurt, no pizza. Yes, salads pretty much every day, fish, lean meats and vegetables…
But I do like a beer…

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Whiskey Galore?

Glenmorangie but infrequently.

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None of my vitamins use aspartame.
I might not eat all things that are healthy for me but I don’t intentionally take a known poison

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The older I get the more I am like my parents.

They ate pretty much what they fancied and lived to 85 and 97 and both enjoyed life until their last year really.

They both loved veggies, salad and meat and fish. Fish and chips was a treat every few weeks but they looked forward to it. They both put on weight in their middle age but were very healthy. They never had a BBQ in their lives! They didn’t smoke or drink but they did like sweet things.

My Mum saw a consultant when she was about 93 and he said “if I get to your great age and I am only on a couple of paracetamol a day like you, I will consider myself a very lucky man.”

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I’d stop using a sweetener in tea and coffee but it’s-part-a-me now. :icon_rolleyes:

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I like a couple of Beers, and intend to keep doing so, until none of my carers will fetch them anymore :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: