Are you an Arachnophobe?

Perth man admits he ‘freaked out’ after an attempt to kill a spider triggered a full police response
A passer by heard a man yelling out, “Why don’t you die”? A child could be heard crying inside as well.
She immediately ran the Police.
Three police cars rushed to deal with the ‘murder’ to find the man with a nappy in his hands.
He admitted to the Police he was screaming at a spider.
“I came out of the bedroom and I saw a spider on the floor … it was about 10 centimetres long; I freaked out as I normally do,” he said.
"My partner was in the shower so I grabbed the first thing I saw, which was a nappy because we’re toilet training our daughter, and I went down on my knees and I whacked it a few times.
“I was screaming, ‘Why don’t you die?’ at the top of my lungs and repeatedly … because I’m terrified of them.”
Mr Howard said his toddler became hysterical in a nearby room when she heard the screams.
“I’m very embarrassed, it’s probably the most embarrassing day of my life, but it’s hilarious as well,” he said.

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He should be the one wearing a nappy. Poor thing,if we have any invited guests they are gently helped outside.

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Just imagine hearing him screaming, a baby screaming, what other conclusion would one come to? :grinning:

I’m surprised by how many Australians I know that are scared of spiders.There are quite a lot who can give you a nasty bite though.(spiders not Australians…or vice versa…)

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I know a few Aussies that would give a sharp piece of their tongue. :grinning:

My mom was terrified of spiders. I’m not fond of them but not terrified either. I did feed one once but he was far from where I lived.

I don’t like spiders…if I saw one 10 centimetres long I would probably call the police myself :slight_smile:

He has more than likely passed his fear onto his daughter.
I am frightened of spiders,so i do understand where he was coming from,but i never showed my fear to my sons,and they are fine with them.

@Bretrick Never mind your spiders, its those huge dunnie budgies of yours that would freak me out 🪰

How could anyone not like them?

Australian Peacock Spider Dances For His Life!

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yes I am but i have managed to overcome the dreaded fear i had as a child. Well meaning friends have sent me up close images of goggley spider eyes haha

From our garden…the missus was not happy.


I’d forgotten all about that song… until now :018:

Sorry Chilli, sometimes folks don’t want to remember :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I have absolutely no problems with spiders of any size, but she who must not be ignored, has! I welcome spiders in and around my house as they will help me by keeping gnats out. It’s those ruddy blood sucking insects that I have problems with, so for me, spiders are welcomed with glee :smiley:

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