Are We Just Walking Computers?

But they do have a job, one for which they are assigned

Perhaps one day Humans will be slaves to the machines and be bred to mine the metal and minerals used to build the machines. The women would be used to produce strong young males and disposed of when they no longer were able to produce. Only the fit and useful would survive, so no more hospitals or NHS. Of course there would have to be a ‘Mr Big’ to project manage the operation. Pockets of resistance would live underground or in the jungles and mountains and be hunted down and disposed of if caught.

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And at some stage a cybernetic robot will be sent back in time to aid in the over throw of the robot juggernaut?
There has to be a movie in this idea…I know! Let’s call it The Terminator…what do you think…

That is why they can never be true professionals.
Whatever happens, it will be the Humans Fault, by association. :icon_wink:

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As long as there can’t be any fault found in me, for programming a (obviously gorgeous) robot to replace me while I sun myself in the Bahamas :grin:

That is impossible, logic and Ladies. :icon_wink:
But some Ladies did not need logic to survive. :laughing:

Logic doesn’t look so good in a miniskirt or bikini :joy:

One could not possibly comment :blush:

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But if one was going to, I’m sure it would be you :smirk: :wink: :rofl:

(too scared to ask what the comment might be though lol)

Time travel will always be the stuff of films and fiction Lucy…

Aren’t we always travelling through time? Which is just a concept anyway… :wink: :joy:

Not true.

If I do my jogging, by running backwards, I, definitely, get younger by every minute I run!

I am, now, minus 1 minute!

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Tell that to DNA.

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Yes but we are not going backwards as is suggested on ‘Terminator’ Lucy, and the future hasn’t been written yet. Time moves forward at it’s own pace.
Time might be a concept to humans, but it is based on the movement of the planets around the sun, and that is a constant.

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Perhaps I should have been more specific Spitty… :017:
We can only time travel into the future and at time’s own pace, and the perception of that pace alters with age.

It is a bit strange, building robots in our own image!

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Probably nothing more than a sensible marketing ploy…although in my image would be a mistake lol :woman_zombie: :laughing:

Yes, but is the extra time you get worth having if you have to spend it running backwards? Maybe you enjoy running backwards; I’m just looking at it from my point of view. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If you are running backwards, your point of view is History!

If you insist on running backwards, you are more likely to end up looking at the sky than at history.

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