Are we all too well fed?

Here is Mrs Bridges, (Upstairs Downstairs) “Win the War” pie

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I read somewhere that Britons, after the war, were at their healthiest, sugar rationing and rationing in general probably had a lot to do with it.

Rationing went on for years after the war, I just remember rationing when we had to queue for orange juice for my younger brother and also when I had my first banana - what an exotic fruit that seemed.

I still love bananas even though here they are a somewhat banal fruit. My kids scoffed when I offered them a banana sandwich or a chopped up one in milk for breakfast.

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The excellent and missed Gordon Jackson. He went seamlessly from butler to boss of Bodie & Doyle. And often a Scottish squaddie in films in between.
We are clearly not all too well fed, but some are. As well as food poverty in wealthy countries there is a significant problem with eating highly processed foods. So the problem is “too much bad food” but not “well fed” - which can imply a quality mix of foods.
I need to shift about 10 kilos. Back to the gym, back to cycling, more of eating fresh food, less snacking. Less beer. And to make my week worse it is now raining.

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A moments overindulgence takes a lot of work to shift.
Yes. back to the gym and low calorie foods.

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Being born during 1943, I was raised on rationing type food. However, being that my paternal grandparents had the tenancy of two pubs, food as I remember it, was never short in supply, only the diet was somewhat restrictive due to the little choice available. Although there was a thriving black market working from one of the pubs and I’m sure we benefited from some of that​:wink::+1:
The last of the rationing was not lifted until 1953.


I think so Bretrick.
Although i do not over indulge,but have PLENTY of food in the kitchen.
I made up a hamper for a step relative who was struggling a bit,and i did not see much of a difference in the cupboards.


I have ever known hunger, except for the few months I was homeless.
No doubt I eat more than necessary.


I was looking through historic photos of my home town of Aldershot. It boasted having the finest lido in the South (some Olympic swimming events were held there shortly after the War). It was a very popular place to go. Notable in the photo of it was just how skinny we all were back then. Not a well-padded person to be seen anywhere.

We were still on rationing for many food items and so we didn’t eat as much. What we did eat was probably healthier, although we have processed foods as I remember. Sausages, haslet, luncheon meat were eaten without question.


Unfortunately, some people who lived through hunger for an unspecified period of time, lost their ability to know when they’ve eaten enough and therefore tend to be overweight when the famine period has passed.


I have never understood why people HAVE to finish a plate of food even when they say they are full up.
And the one person i have in mind is at least 15 stone,and that is just one of many i know.

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I think it depends when and where they were born. Being born during WWII and in an area where food rationing was very tight, I was always told to eat what was put in front of me as many out there would be grateful for what was provided. Also, the portions were nowhere near as generous as we witness today.


I wonder how kids would respond if I offered them my favourite breakfast as a very young child.

Bread and milk - cubes of bread in warm milk with a tiny bit of sugar. I loved it until I went to Butlins when my favourite breakfast became watery porridge. I still have porridge in winter though less watery than I used to like it.

Happy days!

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Just made some Donnuts…Good ingredients and choose cherry jam for the inners…Covered in Sugar of course why would you not.


Beignet surely?

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And I don’t even have a sweet tooth :heart_eyes:

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Look delicious, easy or difficult to make?

Bugger! I’ve just put on half a kilo looking at your photo.

Could have been worse Bruce, you could have put just over a pound on!!!