Are the vaccinated creating the mutant strains of Covid?

Yes and I don’t want to believe this woman .

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I am for both - natural remedies and conventional medicine when needed.

Antibiotics are derived from modified natural substances. We just abuse them by feeding them to animals as routine.

Simple antiseptic saves lives. You can make your own but it’s easier to buy a tube or bottle that is made in a sterile environment and doesn’t go off for years.

Heartburn can also kill when it turns into barrett’s oesophagus. A friend died from oesophageal cancer. His wife was trying to cure it with natural remedies. We have another friend with Barrett’s. He hates omeprazole but doubt he would be alive without it. His whole lifestyle is holistic vegan etc. But this one thing he can’t fix naturally and has been hospitalised before.

Stress is to blame in part but also that we were not designed to live as long as we are living. But medicine is keeping people alive way beyond their natural lifespan.

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Great points Annie.
I am also for both. Reading over my post, I don’t think I made that clear.

I’m completely with you in thinking antibiotics are used too often. Antibiotics save lives. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them. Unfortunately many doctors started prescribing them for ear aches, colds, viruses, sinuses infections, acne etc., when other less powerful medicine could have been used.

Antibiotics kills of bad bacteria. This part is great. Unfortunately they also kill off good bacteria which is essential for a healthy immune system so taking them often can do a lot of damage.

Vaccines definitely work and if I didn’t believe in them I wouldn’t have been vaccinated. Now in Canada, they aren’t just listing the new cases of Covid but adding how many were vaccinated and how many weren’t. 75% of cases are from unvaccinated people.

And I also think vaccinations should be compulsory for those dealing with the public. People have the right to know that the people they are doing business have done their part in protecting others. Gone are the days where people’s personal freedoms come first.

Stress, for sure is a big part of the problem as well as the food we eat to the lifestyles we choose but we weren’t meant to live this long. Very good point. Luckily now we have nursing homes where we can continue living without any cognitive awareness so others can profit from us. Obvious sarcasm.:confounded:

The irony of life - every solution, every step forward by humanity brings it’s own problems. We have discovered how to extend human life but it all comes at a cost.

Plus after a certain point in complexity, the human mind opts for a simple explanation. They know that the efficacy of any medicine is hit and miss and they also know that they do not understand quite how medicine works for some people but causes problems in others. But like most complex problems the answer is to ignore the issues and focus on the overall benefits. I guess it’s part of our human survival of the group over the individual mentality.

Perhaps if engineers were creating the medicines they would work for all?

One thing about that Janci Lindsay is that she is not a rabid unqualified antivaxxer. She holds a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology.

If you didn’t read her submission to the CDC there appears to be a lot of science behind it (which I didn’t understand) but which definitely seems worth reading.

As I say there is no need for us to worry but you might worry about your children or grandchildren or you might think it a great result for the planet.

what crap,i been on acid reflux probs way be fore covid,stop reading into crap reports by whom?,ogf,your an anti vacer,so it fits in to what you believe

I didn’t think she was talking about all Covid vaccines just one type? Anyway there is absolutely nothing official anywhere confirming her assertions other than edited paraphrasing on anti vaccine sites. The sites confirm that the comments are edited yet people ignore that. The image seems to be from a reddit forum source.

Did you read her submission to the CDC?


Basically no.
Mutations are a fact of life with any Corona Virus, they can mutate both ways, to become more dangerous or to mutate to something less dangerous.