Apeel Asda guinea pigs

No. I usually take the few potatoes I plan to eat out of the fridge in the morning before I know I will be using them so they reach room temperature before I cook them.
They always look and taste fine to me.

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No need to put my potatoes in the fridge, I love potatoes and a 5K bag of Maris Pipers only lasts me seven days, just in time for my weekly shop.

I was interested to hear you forage for water mint - I’m not sure what that is or where it grows near me.

I grow a variety of mints in my garden - mainly because I love the scent.
The mint I use to put in my new potatoes is a Moroccan Mint which grows in a large terracotta pot outside my back door - It was originally one of those little pots of “growing herbs” which are sold in supermarkets but it has survived many Winters and Summers after I transplanted it - it has a lovely flavour.

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Apple mint would have to be my favourite at a pinch.
I’d be surprised if you couldn’t find any water mint as far as foraging goes … just add a mega bundle to your potatoes :+1:

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I have never tried putting Apple mint with new potatoes - but it does have a lovely taste and scent.
I used to make Apple Mint Jelly, using Apple Mint from my garden and Bramley Apples from our tree - I don’t eat meat but my family liked it served with roast lamb and added to lamb hotpot.
I haven’t made it since I lived on my own.

Anyway, I fear I’ve taken this thread off topic.
Maybe we should get back to the topic of Apeel coatings on fruit and veg …

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I’ll have to make a point of taking some pictures of the water mint and post them on the foraging thread.

I wouldn’t worry about going off topic…they can’t hang us both :wink:

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I like fresh dill on new potatoes. Coriander is nice too. I’ve never tried mint. Might give it a go.

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Apple mint jelly using homegrown produce is a far more “apeeling” topic!