Animal cruelty sentences

When I read this ( really I have to stop reading the DM ) I was incensed.
12 weeks
I would have given this cruel woman 50 lashes and then slung her in a prison with no food for two weeks and water only every other day .
How can anyone do this to a living creature ?

Too many people do worse. Check out halal slaughter. But I do agree, this slag and her ilk are an incontrovertible reason to restore corporal punishment.

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Cattle are slaughtered. In UK it is an arrester bolt. In Turkey where I saw it, it was a single stroke to the throat with a large very sharp blade… I have been told that this is more humane.

Totally agree with you Muddy…:frowning:

It’s not humane it’s almost impossible to kill a cow with a single stroke to the throat because it is full of tendons and arteries . if it’s a halal slaughter they saw it through while invoking the Koran .The captive bolt renders the animal insensible before it’s throat is cut .

[quote=“Muddy, post:5, topic:91057”]
It’s not humane it’s almost impossible to kill a cow with a single stroke to the throat because it is full of tendons and arteries [/quote]
I have observed them doing it.

So have I .
It’s horrible.

[quote=“Besoeker, post:6, topic:91057, full:true”]

As have I. In Izmir in Turkey at the end of Eid. Not very edifying. I pointed out this barbarity on Twitter because it also happens in back gardens over here, and was branded a racist for daring to mention it.

You are absolutely right Judd the shame is that we a nation of suposed animal lovers pander to the cruelties of barbaric desert religions.


Yes, one stroke is what it took. I’m not in any way condoning it. But I have been told that it is similar to the arrestor bolt. I’m not condoning either. The differences is that bolt method isn’t a public event. When I was in Turkey the executions took place in the street. The butchers did the butchering right there blood and all running into the street. Not quite for the faint hearted…

A captive bolt is far more humane
A captive bolt stunning gun kills the animal and reduces it instantly unconscious without causing pain . A captive bolt gun has a steel bolt that is powered by either compressed air or a blank cartridge. The bolt is driven into the animal’s brain. It has the same effect on the animal as a firearm with a live bullet.

Let’s put it into more graphic content .
Is it more human to shoot a human in the head or decapitate him with a knife ?
It’s the same for animals and although out in the open perhaps one swipe may kill a cow generally it takes time because a cow has a thick neck often only the trachea gets cut and the dying cow suffocates on its own blood .
It’s a terrible thing to do to a sentient being .

Others have told me otherwise: This is from Sweden:
“The study found that out of the 998 observed cattle, just 84.1% were adequately stunned. The remaining individuals were then subjected to either repetitive stunning or slaughter while being semi-conscious.”

Better than100% slaughtered while fully conscious surely .
It is interesting to know that it was slaughter men themselves who brought in the rules for human slaughter we don’t want to go backwards in time .

[quote=“Muddy, post:13, topic:91057”]
Better than100% slaughtered while fully conscious surely .[/quote]
As far as I observed those I saw were not conscious at all after the fatal blow.

Sorry Besoker I don’t agree at all .
Nor does the RCVS

Even the Turkish are coming around .

The only cow in this thread is the one who intentionally left her dog to die.
That poor, poor dog. Left alone to die slowly, with not the slighest chance of escape.

It isn’t just the physical affect either, that was easily seen. What no one saw was the ongoing mental anguish, fear, and pain the dog would have experienced too.

I don’t get this though, because presumably this evil woman didn’t live in a field? So I assume she had neighbours, so how come no one heard that dog barking, howling, crying day after day, because I am pretty sure it must have done this.
Does no body care anymore?

As for her saying something about ‘she was dealing with personal troubles’ (or whatever pathetic excuse she gave), what the hell has that got to do with killing her dog?? Her ‘personal troubles’ didn’t stop her buggering off for two weeks holiday did it!

As for that luny judge giving such a useless sentence, and only a 10 yr ban from keeping another dog . . what’s that all about? A lifetime ban should be automatic.
Judges like that want putting away too, until they understand reality, total neglect, planned cruelty, and the minds of liars like her.

  • If you don’t mind me saying, would it not be best to start a separate thread about ritual slaughter, rather than distracting from the case of that poor dog?

I don’t mind at al, Mups it has gone completely off topic .
I would give her personal troubles she would remember the rest of her life .
The Judge could be given two weeks starvation too .

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[quote=“Muddy, post:15, topic:91057”]
Sorry Besoker I don’t agree at all .[/quote]
I’m not agreeing - just observing some of my observations.,

I don’t mind at al, Mups it has gone completely off topic .
I would give her personal troubles she would remember the rest of her life .
The Judge could be given two weeks starvation too .

Totally agree, Muddy.

I also don’t believe a word she said about she arranged for someone to go in, because dog sitter worth their salt would either ring the owner with reports, or the owner would ring them to find out how their dog was. Some even send owners video clips to let them know the dog’s alright.
The fact that the owner never even phoned whoever this anonymous dog sitter was, would be proof enough to me that she cared not one iota.

Dealing with personal issues? That’s it, use the mental health card. Just simply a nasty, selfish excuse for a human.

The sentence is despicable and there should be a public outcry.

Cruelty of any kind should be heavily punished.

Perhaps her punishment will also be that she has to watch her back. I hope so.

Absolutely no excuse for this .

That poor, poor dog, what it must have gone through in its slow death is just heartbreaking and unimaginable.