Animal Cartoons

OMGoodness…these are all priceless. :smiley:

I especially enjoyed the one about the dog standing out in the yard and just sniffing rather than peeing… Gracie does that all the time and she so frustrates me. :mrgreen:

Bull terriers are my passion…:049:

I love the “off the leash” cartoons. They are hysterical.
This link should take you to them.

This one “cracked” me up…pun intended. :mrgreen: Perhaps because I have a purple Dell…


hahahaha, that made me laugh out loud Nic

This made me chuckle

HAHAHA…Nicole and Lion Queen, it made me laugh out loud too…:mrgreen:

Thanks everyone for your posts in this thread…there’s lots of really fun cartoons… :slight_smile:

Gracie has learned a thing or two, about a thing or two, concerning tail wagging cats… because she lives with two…:wink:

Great thread Filly…:hug:

Thank you, Blue…lovely to see you this afternoon. :049: