Alternative Rock songs

Sneak one in when no oneā€™s looking.

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Thatā€™s just perfect! Language warning though

I donā€™t think thereā€™s any swearing in this.

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Added to playlist. Itā€™s got a bit of an 80s vibe to it! Thanks


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Thatā€™s lovely! One of my favourites :hugs:

Has it? Iā€™m not a big fan of the 80ā€™s myself.Mainly because of New Order :slight_smile:
Although this is quite good perhaps sometimes.

To my ears - yesā€¦

You mean them?

Yes and the one I posted :slight_smile:

Apologies, I didnā€™t listen to your last addition. I just replied :frowning:

I think SOME 80s bands tried their best to make their music ā€˜soundā€™ futuristic - :rofl: synthesisers were all the rage back then.

But, when you look back, you realise itā€™s actually doesnā€™t sound futuristic!!! For me personally, thereā€™s some great soundtracks to my life from that decade.


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I think he has a throat problem and canā€™t sing now.Bad luck.

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That was actually orginally around 2013 he had throat surgery and it changed his voiceā€¦But recently this year he had released more musicā€¦


Thatā€™s wonderful news Di


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Girls girls girlsā€¦(mostly)

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Now this was very interesting Thinking Fellers Union :slightly_smiling_face:

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