AI - Will the machines become so powerful and smart that they can’t be turned off and they outwit man?


Where we differ is I’m more aware of my physical being.

I’ve led an odd life. I suffered a mental breakdown when 17 where only self analyses helped me break free of my condition. I had to alter my mentality to cope with my problems. I effectively became robotic, where most of my feelings were intentionally buried deep. Once I was able to get back into society (5 years later) I went on an intense journey to discover who I was, who we were, why was there religion and so on. I devoured books on philosophy, religion but kept coming back to psychology and eventually such books only. Instead of buggering off and joining some cult (I looked into them and even chatted to various followers) I decided it was more courageous, or suitable, to live within society as it was rather than opt out.

Since the above I have had to cope with acute socio-phobia, hyperactivity, personality disorder and others but cope I have but only because of the support of my parents. To cope with an over active brain I have had to consume considerable quantities of hard liquor at times to calm it down, effectively killing off brain cells.

What am I like now?

Well, I never had a College education and because of my condition (s), when I was younger, it was impossible for me to hold down a job for long. I’ve always been considered an attractive proposition by employers though so moving from job to job has been quite easy for me. This has resulted in me rubbing shoulders with people who I might not have had I received a formal education. Because of this I’ve become far more physical. I’ve also been put on the spot a few times where all brain activity has stopped bar for that very moment - a purely envigorating primitive experience. This has taught me we have far too much brain power and there isn’t much of a need for most of it.

I’m very much a physical being now with a sharp, aggressive intellect. I don’t bog it down with metaphysical theories or take on-board ideas that might cause me to relapse. I can tell when something is not good for me as I get a headache straight away and that is why I can tell some of the content of your replies is bad news and meaningless - something to avoid.

I think you are giving far too much credence to us as a species and evolution such as you envisage is way way in the future; will we get there though? For all intents and purposes we won’t as we are an aggressive species who seem to thrive on conflict.

As for computers and robots, who knows what could be developed in time? Once processors reach the power of a brain (and work in a similar manner) who can tell what it could learn from? What about direct connection to our own brain and thought patterns? The stuff in science fiction novels have a habit of coming true these days.

At last,a very interesting and non long winded post…thanks MKJ.

It seems I have finally put this thread to bed :wink: .

Aysa should have the final word … 'tis etiquette innit ?