AI could replace equivalent of 300 million jobs - report

AI has the potential to replace a lot of jobs but it can lead to more jobs as well. It’s hard to know which jobs will be eliminated and which will be created, but forecasters are predicting increased productivity and a raised standard of living with advances in AI.

I think that Bott has got his eye on my job here. :grin:


I think there is a way to go.

My Genie is linked to my voice.

It does not respond to my voice commands, but it will reply to Naga Munchetty with sorry I do not understand.

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I read that they expect to eliminate the need for finance management professionals. But by that time I will be retired anyway. I feel more sorry for young people who are entering the profession, but perhaps they will be able to go abroad because this won’t be rolled out in so many countries this century. It’s a gravy train for IT developers and support services of course who would be out of work otherwise. That’s until it is developed to fix itself and then we end up in “The machine stops” territory. It’s all so reliant on all these satellites. I’d be surprised if any asteroids could get through the junk we have circling the planet these days.

Just a minute … is this the same thing that Elon Musk has just launched a petition to slow in its tracks?

That he advises a pause, so we , Humanity , mere organic braincells, can assess if AI will outstrip poor us and make our carbon based lifeform seem clunky and obsolete in the drive forward for ever better efficiency and technology.

I’m guessing he is doing that because his own business isn’t ready to launch anything yet.

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It does make you wonder doesn’t it … he’s nothing if not tactical in his business dealings. Look at the shennanigans with Twitter.

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Well, lets just hope the AI will do all the menial tasks, no one else wants to do :smiley: That will also sort of sort out the Brexit/Immigration chat that’s been going on of late!

Don’t give um no proper jobs, for Gods sake. :grin:

There’s an awful lot of “coulds” in that Report and no firm forecasts -

““The only thing I am sure of is that there is no way of knowing how many jobs will be replaced by generative AI,” Carl Benedikt Frey, future of-work director at the Oxford Martin School, Oxford University, told BBC News.“

It sounds to me like a case of plucking any figure out of the air for a sensational headline - Oooh, surely the media wouldn’t sink to such a low and cunning trick?! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yes there’s no timescale and it’s very much a case of expecting industry to invest in tech which is at present optional. However, it is something the public sector is embracing. It’s being sold as a way to save costs. IMO the cost savings are very murky.

Maybe the AI wrote the report. :grin: